Chapter Five Rescue

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The sun was setting, and Ian ran his regular route on top of the mountain. In four hours' time, they would be attempting their rescue mission. Going into Walker castle could go horribly wrong. They were waiting for Kitty to return with Jane or with news about Sage. The sun was dipping below the mountain and the red light streaked against the incoming storm clouds. On his second time around Jarrid caught up with him. "Are you okay Ian?" he asked.

"Yes, just distracting myself!"

"Is it working?"

"Not really," he sighed. "I just miss her Jarrid!"

"We all do Ian things just aren't the same without Sage! Come to think of it Sage and I have never been separated this long."

"That must be odd!" he replied.

"It's weird not being able to sense her! We did not always get along growing up but whether at home or school, speaking or not I could always sense her!"

"You and Sage get along better than anyone knows."

"Yes, we do, we have a stronger connection then most siblings do because we are twins!"

"Jarrid has Daniela decided who is going in?"

"Yes, we are all going in!"

"Is that smart?"

"The more the better but our team is the best to go in for a mission like this!"

"We should probably head in!" said Ian.

Jarrid nodded in agreement and together they headed back inside.

In the recreation room Chloe, Callie and Nicole sat talking. "How are Jarrid and Ian holding up?" asked Nicole.

"Well Jarrid is doing okay I think he is throwing everything he has into the mission tonight! Per what he tells me is that he feels half empty. Their connection as twins is strong! Ian on the other had tends to go for a run every time he is able to ponder on it!" said Chloe.

"How was recon?" asked Nicole.

"Good it's not going to be easy to get in. Jane has held up her end of the bargain there are several breaks in the barrier! I am concerned with how we get out!" said Callie.

"Best bet is right out the front door," said Jane coming in. "Daniela wants to see us!"

The ladies got up and headed for Master Crafts office. On their way, the guys caught up. Jarrid put his arm around Chloe and she smiled. Jane walked up next to Ian and handed him a scroll. "It's a letter from Sage she said to read it when you are alone but before you leave!"

"Alright thank you Jane," said Ian and he slipped it in his cloak.

Jane had also handed one to Jarrid. They entered Master Craft's office and Jarrid scooped up his baby sister. "Jar," she said with a giggle not able to say his full name!

"Hay Amethyst are you being good for mommy?" he asked sitting next to Chloe.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Good girl" said Jarrid, she giggled, and he smiled.

Daniela smiled, "thank you for coming, you will leave at 2300 hours tonight! You will keep in touch on comm. Angelina will be on the other end tracking and watching satellite shots! Sage managed to send a letter telling us of her possible locations tonight. The room where she sleeps is located on the fourth floor facing the castle entrance facing the front grounds, the training courtyard with James Drew, the kitchen or in Nicolas meeting chamber!"

"Most of the spots will be easy to get out of unless he's called her to the meeting chamber in which case he will be in a pissy mood because Sage will be defiant and not cooperating. There is always at a minimum ten people in the chamber at once. If she is there, wait for James to bring her out. On that note, you might not recognize her!" said Jane.

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