Chapter Nine The Truth

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Sage led them out of the old EHQ. Daniela had obviously covered the transporter plate room because the entry was no longer there. She remained quiet as they came back out. Jane was standing there with Nicole Jensen. "Master Walker, Callie was taken by Jarrid and the others, but I found Nicole here snooping around!"

Nicolas looked at her for a moment. "Miss Jensen why did your team leave you behind?"

"They didn't I got separated. If you think these bindings will hold me think again."

Sage smiled knowing exactly what was about to happen. Sage kept her mouth shut she didn't want the others to know, that included Ian. Nicole smiled at Sage as the bindings dropped and she disappeared. Sage knew that Daniela would only allow the elites to appear and disappear from this area. Which meant that she probably could too.

Nicolas and Damian where a step ahead. Damian looked to Ian and nodded. As Sage was about to move he put his hand on her shoulder stepped close and said, "Don't try it Sage!"

"Why would I listen to you?" she questioned her temper flaring.

"Think better of this Sage. My double can cause havoc if I say so."

"Who says he hasn't been caught already!"

"I would know so knock it off and start walking!"

Sage glanced back at him and then walked forward towards the cliff. It was dark tonight which would give perfect cover if she ran. Sage wondered if they would kill her if they couldn't keep her. She thought better of it. Malcolm took Sage's arm as they reached the clearing below the cliff. She pulled her arm free. "Thanks, I think I know the way!"

Nicolas nodded, and they disappeared away from the now empty base. A few teams had been left behind to sweep the area.

When they arrived back Sage left the group and went to her room. She slammed her door it was the only indicator that she was pissed off. Ian watched her balcony. "Ian, I do believe you pissed her off. If you want her help, try not to piss her off!" said Deirdra and went after her sister.

Deirdra had heard the door slam and she knocked three times when she reached it. "Sissy let me in!"

"Leave me alone De," she replied through the door.

"Sissy, we need to talk before father calls a meeting!"

Sage didn't answer.

"Sissy!" she pleaded, and the lock clicked.

Deirdra pushed opened the door and entered the room. "Close and lock the door please," said Sage who was standing in the doorway to the balcony.

Deirdra did as requested then sat on the edge of the bed. She waited for Sage to come join her. Which she did, "Look I know this is hard to deal with!"

"You wouldn't understand De, so don't try!"

"Look if you want to talk I'm here but we need to go up for the meeting!"

"Fine," she replied.

Together both Sisters went upstairs. When they entered, the meeting room the only people in there were Nicolas, Damian and Ian. Sage cringed she should have seen this coming. When the doors closed, Nicolas turned to Sage. "What did she say to you?"

"I'm sorry Father I can't tell you!"

"Why is that?"

"I am bound by the high family laws not to repeat what I have been told."

"The high Laws are obsolete!" replied Nicolas.

"No, they are not," replied Damian.

"What do you mean?" asked Nicolas.

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