Chapter Seven Callie's Stay

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Sage sat on her balcony with Callie. "Callie what's your plan?"

"I don't know Sage!" she replied.

"Be honest with me Callie, was part of your mission to get caught?"

"Believe it or not no!" she said and looked to the sky. "We were to check out the factory and return!"

"Callie, you need to make a choice. I know from experience that the punishments my father gives are very draining!"

"Yes, I know," she replied.

"Callie, I am going out for a while I will be back later tonight!"

"Where are you going?"

"Um, I am not sure. All I know is that it is a mission and probably another test!"

They walked back into Sage's room where she went over to her closet and pulled out a dark purple dress. "Sage how hard is it to do what you do?" asked Callie softly.

"It is not easy Callie but if it keeps me from suffering then I will do what I have to whether I like it or not until I get back home!"

There was a knock on the door and one of the guards entered. "Time is up Miss Craft!"

"Yes, I know, Callie we will talk more when I am back!"

Callie nodded and left with the guard. When the door had closed, Sage changed her clothing and put on her equipment! She then headed up to the meeting room.

On her way, upstairs she ran into James. "Hey Sage," he said.

"James," she replied.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied.

They entered the meeting chamber together. Nicolas and Malcolm waited for them. "Alright you will patrol the lower mountains and stop in at the lower city and get reports!"

"Yes Sir," said Malcolm and James.

"Yes father," said Sage.

They took off on foot to patrol. When they passed the barriers, they faded away. Nicolas watched from the balcony until Deirdra arrived with Callie. He looked at them as he reentered the room. "Miss Shine you have two choices here! You can join me or stay in those bindings and be treated like a prisoner."

Callie bowed her head thinking for a moment. "Fine I will join you," said Callie with a sigh.

"Good Deirdra hold her right arm!"

Deirdra did as she was told, and Nicolas put a finger to her arm and the evil eye appeared. Deirdra let go of her and then released the binding holding her in place. "Take Callie and get her settled in!"

"Yes Father," said Deirdra and they left.

Nicolas then returned to the balcony laughing to himself. If Sage knew how many people around her played much bigger parts. For instance, Ian hid a lot from her. She would be so pissed if she found out the truth. He might be an Elite knight, but he has a destiny as well and Sage knew nothing of it. Ian was untouchable, and everyone knew it! Their relationship started innocently but it would soon be a major part of Damian's plan. If everything went well the Princess Warrior would be theirs.


Sage and the others arrived on top of a cliff over looking the Elite Knights running path! Several groups were outside today. The sun was setting, and Sage could pick out Ian and Jarrid. "They're, here, aren't they?" asked Malcolm.

"Yes, they are among the runners!" she replied.

Sage wanted to knock Malcolm and James out and run for it! She didn't though because her father was devious, and she couldn't leave Callie behind. She watched as Jarrid came to an abrupt stop and looked around. "What's he doing?" asked James.

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