Part TwoChapter Ten Change is Coming

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Almost six months later not much had changed. Except that Ian thought he was getting somewhere with Sage. Today she sat on the balcony railing with her legs dangling over the edge talking with Deirdra and Sienna. Most people would worry that she would fall and hurt herself, but Ian had seen her jump from the balcony several times and land on her feet. Now, her eyes where focused on the gate as Casey came in with three others. One he recognized as Angela Moonbeam head of Pegasus in the Andromeda system. She was tall with tan hair almost blonde. Her eyes were a deep sapphire with purple speaks. She wore a long elegant dress purple in color.

Damian had been working on her to join them. The other two he did not recognize both were female, but he suspected they were her body guards. Damian meet them halfway across the yard where he excused Casey. The female to the right of Angela had gold hair with white streaked through and she looked up at him. Ian held his ground.

Sage didn't really care either way. Sienna and Deirdra were talking about taking Lena down which she would probably help in. Her focus was on the Mage in the middle their eyes were the same. Sage watched them as Damian led them inside. The Mages eyes flicked up a bit to look back at Sage. She then disappeared into the castle.

Sage started to listen to what Deirdra and Sienna were saying. "She is a suck up and screws up all the time," said Sienna.

"So why don't you just ignore her?" asked Sage.

"What?" asked Sienna.

"Never mind," said Sage shaking her head.

"We should go soon!" said Deirdra.

"What time are we meeting our contact?" asked Sage.

"1700hrs," replied Sienna.

Sage swung around and placed her booted feet on the balcony and headed back inside. They crossed out into the corridor and down to the main level. Where they ran into Damian, Nicolas, Ian and the new person. "Ah yes Angela I would like you to meet my daughters Sage Craft and Deirdra Walker. The other is my niece Sienna Walker!"

"It's good to meet you ladies! Now Master Walker if you don't mind Damian and I have things to discuss!"

"Yes Ma'am," he replied and left.

Damian waved for Ian to follow. Sage followed her sister and cousin out of the castle. She felt Ian look back to watch her go. She did not acknowledge him. They left the castle and headed for Phoenix to meet their contact.


Dade Steinberg was tall with yellow eyes and black hair. He was in Phoenix working on something with Jarrid and Callie. They were coming down a side alley and none of them spoke. Dade had been ordered by Nicolas to watch Omega squadron. Ian had been removed from the team several months back and Jarrid was now in charge. Well until his sister Lt. Col. Sage Craft returned from her long-term mission. He was supposed to be meeting Deirdra at 1700hrs and hadn't figured out how he was getting away.

They turned down another alley and found several dark knights. One standing off a little looked up at Jarrid and Callie. Jarrids heart fluttered and he felt a little stronger. The person's eyes showed him it was his twin. 'Jarrid can you hear me?' she asked using telepathy but watching their older sister.

'Sage,' he replied the same way.

'Oh, good it worked. Don't let Deirdra see you and why is Dade with you?'

'Mom added him to the team until you get back!'

'Alright, I will be separating from these two. Father is sending me, Janet, Mike and Ian back to EHQ to look for something!'

The AscensionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora