𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘺 » 𝘬.𝘴

837 12 8

word count: 1.1k

summary: kelce keeps you company after you have a bad day

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Bad days. Everyone had them, whether it was noticeable to those in your surroundings or not. Today was not on your side to say the least. For starters, your sleep the previous night wasn't as enjoyable as you would've liked. The neighbor's new dog seemed to be barking for hours outside, leaving you to toss and turn until the sun came up. Your alarm on your phone for some odd reason chose not to go off when it was supposed to, leaving you to rush to avoid arriving at school late.

Your hair wasn't done as well as you would've liked due to the time crunch. When you scurried to grab a quick breakfast, you found nothing but the empty box of your favorite cereal which was still in the pantry for some reason. With a sigh, you grabbed your things and headed for the door, stomach empty and mind already exhausted.

Although your morning started with only small inconveniences, it just wasn't the day for it to happen. The traffic on the way to school was worse than usual due to road construction, leaving your thumb to tap against the top of your steering wheel anxiously as your eyes kept flickering to the time.

Slipping in your seat just as the bell rang, your name was one of the first words leaving the teacher's mouth. "Y/n? Would you come up to my desk, please?"

A part of you wished you had skipped first period altogether. Your teacher went back and forth with you about a missing assignment you swore you turned in, though she claimed she hadn't received it. Due to her losing the paper, your alternative for a decent grade was to redo it entirely.

By the time your last period rolled around, you came to the decision that talking to your lab partner was the smartest choice. There was no way you could go through with your plans this evening. The last bell rang, but you caught his attention in the nick of time. "Hey, Kelce?"

He glanced up at you to respond, gathering the last of his belongings. "Yeah?"

"Do you think we could finish our project some other time?"

"Uh, I guess so. Are you busy?" He questioned, figuring you had made more exciting plans for a Friday night instead.

"No, actually. I just have some... things to do around the house." You answered, hoping your excuse was enough to stop his questions there. "Before my mom gets back from her business trip. I totally spaced it."

"Oh, sure. Whenever you're free. Text me and I'll be there." Kelce assured you with a comforting smile, hoping it would lift your spirits a little. The long-lasting frown on your face was a dead giveaway he shouldn't go further into it.

Pulling your phone out of your pocket, you pressed the home button repeatedly, but all you were left with was a black screen. "Shit." You muttered, a heavy sigh following your next words. "My phone's dead."

"That's alright. I don't need much notice." Kelce shrugged simply, leaning up against the doorframe.

"Thanks for understanding." You told him, brushing your hand on his forearm as you left. You offered him a smile that was meant to be of gratitude, though the smile didn't reach your eyes like it normally did.

The relief of the day being (mostly) over was amazing as you drove home and made a beeline for your bed. It was all you could've asked for after a long day. Changing into some comfortable clothes and taking a much needed nap to forget all about your worries seemed to wash them away.

Until you woke up to the doorbell sounding off through your house. The time on your phone read 6:32, but you wished you would have slept for 12 more hours at the very least. Footsteps pattering through your quiet home, you trudged down the stairs to answer the door. Even if it was in your pajamas. Whoever the guest was would just have to live with it.

"Coming!" You shouted, a few knocks audible from the other side. You took a deep breath and checked yourself out in the mirror for a second, just for good measure. Were you expecting anybody? No. So it was quite a surprise to see who it was.

"Kelce?" You spoke, tone laced in confusion. "I thought we agreed we'd work on the project another time..."

"I know, I know." He began. "But I thought you could use some cheering up. So I brought takeout." Kelce held up the large paper bags, eyes glimmering with hope that you would appreciate the gesture.

"Oh!" You gasped, eyes beaming brighter than they were a few minutes ago. "That's really sweet of you Kelce." As you spent what felt like forever staring into his brown orbs, you realized he was still on your doorstep and he was probably expecting you to let him inside. Your cheeks felt fiery, now remembering your current attire. "Come on in."

Kelce's heart stopped pounding as hard as it was now that he made himself comfortable, all thanks to you making sure of it. The two of you lounged rather closely on your couch and ate the food he brought, laughing and making jokes at the TV show playing.

You even found yourself wishing it would never end, that you could stay here on the couch forever but the clock struck 10pm before you knew it. Kelce noticed, reluctantly bringing it to your attention. "I think I should get going, Y/n. I don't wanna keep you up."

"Oh, okay. You're right, I should probably be getting to bed anyway. It's been a long day." You admitted. "But I really appreciate you coming over. You didn't have to do this, y'know."

He gave you a soft smile at your words. "I wanted to. I had a really good time."

"Me too."

You walked beside him to the door, footsteps unintentionally slow as you wanted to savor the last few moments of the night.

"Thanks again for tonight, Kelce."

"Don't worry about it, I don't mind." He confessed. "If you ever need some company, you know where to find me."

Leaning forward in the doorway, you gave a gentle kiss to his cheek and rested a hand on his chest for a moment. "Thank you. I'll take you up on that someday."

He took your hand in his, bringing your knuckles to his lips before rubbing his thumb across them softly. "I'll wait on it, Y/n."

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a/n: i wrote this randomly last night while watching rhobh so it's not the best lol. but i never get kelce requests so i thought this would be cute

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