𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 » 𝘳.𝘤

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word count: 1.2k

request: can i please get "I've realised that you keep interrupting my daily and, holy shit, do I love it." with rafe please🥰

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Due to your and Rafe's busy lives lately, the amount of time spent together began to slowly decrease. Even then, you still made each other a priority, which made it work at the end of the day.

Rafe yawned, slapping a hand to his forehead and rubbing his eyes in regret of not going to bed earlier the previous night as his alarm went off. He was tagging along with his dad to work this week, though it already felt more like a year. The sun was barely up, leaving him to squint at the harsh light from his phone in the dark room.

He let out a deep chuckle, reading your 'goodmorning <3' text sent at 2:23am hours earlier. When you'd stay up later than Rafe, you made sure to send him something to wake up to after he had gone to bed. Even if it wasn't necessarily around the time he'd be waking up. It would give him a little serotonin boost for the grueling day ahead of him, so you did what you could.

After he replied to you, he scrolled through a few social medias in an attempt to wake himself up for the day, eyes averting to the time displayed at the top of the screen every so often. This time when he checked, a notification from his photos app dropped down briefly, titled: '1 year ago, today'.

Upon opening the app, a small album of the pictures from a year ago covered the screen. They were of you, as well as some of him sprinkled in, on an afternoon picnic. A wide grin tugged at his lips at the gorgeous sight of you in the pictures, eyes bright and full of joy as they looked into the camera.

To Rafe, you were a work of art. So he didn't mind if you were the muse of his photography, meaning every picture he has ever taken. That urge to take a photo came to him a lot when you were around, as opposed to someone only wanting to capture a picture of a pretty sunset or the ocean. Out of all the beautiful things in Rafe's surroundings, you stood out to him the most. After all, the pretty sunsets or the ocean never made his heart race or made him feel soft inside.

Rafe knew he got carried away once his eyes peeled away to check the time again, now being quite past the time he was supposed to be dressed and downstairs for breakfast. A sigh left his lips, reluctantly shutting his phone off before starting his routine for the morning.


Returning home, Rafe hastily slipped off his dress shoes and unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt, plopping down on his bed. This Wednesday spent with his dad felt much longer than Monday and Tuesday did, and now he couldn't wait for the week to be over and done with.

Rafe mindlessly connected his speaker to his phone, hitting shuffle on a random playlist. After the first few seconds of the song played, he was able to recognize it as one of your favorites; a staple to every playlist you had, no matter the occasion.

He hummed along to the song softly, eyes closing as he pictured you singing it to him. Although it was a coincidence to receive so many reminders of you in one day, he thought that just maybe the universe knew it was what he needed. In no time, Rafe had dozed off, the melodies of your song and image of you in his head the only thing he could focus on.


You were a little disappointed to hardly hear from Rafe all day. But knowing Ward, you knew Rafe's days spent with him weren't the smoothest in the world. Somehow, you still found yourself at Tannyhill, going back and forth between the bathroom and Sarah's room as you tried on some things from your shopping trip together.

When you had gone to check on Rafe when you arrived, he was sound asleep. After admiring the content look on his face for a moment, you shut the door and let him nap in peace.

"Have you seen Rafe today?" Sarah questioned, organizing her piles of clothes sitting on her bed. "Normally you would've ditched me for him by now."

You scoffed, faking a look of offense. "Not true! I try to spend my time equally." You defended.

Sarah raised her eyebrows, though unable to hold back a smile at your fib. "You do?"

"Absolutely. I said I try. I never said it actually works out that way." You elaborated, adjusting your dress in the mirror. "When I went in earlier he was sleeping, anyway."

"Oh." She replied. "I think I heard him on the phone a few minutes ago. Maybe try again?"

"Are you trying to get rid of me or something?" You joked.

"Not at all. But after spending a day with my dad I'm sure he could use some cheering up. He's always in a better mood when you're around and I really don't feel like fighting him at dinner tonight." Sarah quipped, earning a chuckle out of you.

"If you say so. Don't run away to the Chateau while I'm gone." You warned, pointing two fingers from your eyes to hers as you backed out of her room and walked towards Rafe's.

From outside, you could hear his voice speak up occasionally, leading you to the assumption that he was still on the phone. So you knocked lightly, peeking your head in through the door.

Rafe's eyes lit up when they landed on you, as he was previously ready to yell at any one of his family members if it were them instead. He gestured for you to come in, which you did, strolling straight past him and going towards his mirror.

His jaw dropped an inch at seeing the pastel sundress adorning your body, as you turned around and looked at yourself from multiple angles. Being in your own world of course you didn't notice his eyes on you, figuring he was probably attentive to his phone call.

"Hey, Top?" Rafe interrupted. "Let me call you back." Before Topper could even protest or agree, Rafe had hung up the call and tossed his phone on his bed, eyes never leaving you as he approached you.

Of course you saw him in the mirror, turning around to give him a quick kiss and a hug. "Hi, Rafey."

Rafe had other plans, chasing your lips after you pulled away from just a peck. Once he was satisfied, he pulled back with a matching smile. "Hi, sweetheart. When did you get here?"

"A few hours ago. Sarah and I went shopping, but when we got back you were asleep. I feel like I haven't talked to you in days." You told him disappointedly, wrapping your arms around his neck so his hands could hold your waist.

"M'sorry." Rafe apologized, frowning shortly after.

"It's not your fault. I just missed you, that's all." You smiled reassuringly, resting your head on his chest.

"I missed you, too. You're all I've been thinking about since I woke up this morning." He admitted in a mumble.


"Mhm. I've realized that you keep interrupting my day and, holy shit, do I love it."

You giggled, pressing a chaste kiss to his neck. "Well, I'm glad I could be a distraction for you. I just hope it's the good kind."

"Believe me, baby. You're the best kind of distraction there is."

𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now