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Y/n's POV

"Suspect located at 106, headed eastwards towards main road" Jimin reports through his earpiece to ours while our assigned team hastily tracks the position of our target.

"I have caught sight on target." I hold my own ear piece down and confirm sighting to the others. "Move in as quick as possible, suspect engaging black SUV on 107: possible get-away"

I manage to swiftly work my way around corners and over rusted metal gates until I reach a narrow alley which the target will eventually pass.

I manage to swiftly work my way around corners and over rusted metal gates until I reach a narrow alley which the target will eventually pass

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"Everyone in their positions?" I quietly question, barely above a whisper so that I am completely unnoticed.

"Can confirm"


After I got the signs from my squad, I wait till the very second the man we are looking for to go past the side road I am at.

Everything is silent.

The only thing visible to the ears is the muffling sound of cars on the near road.

* step step step *

Incoming footsteps create loud pounds on the cracking pathway. I can hear each step and know how far they are away until the faint sound of loose stone knocking together appears as he steps on the unstable ground.

His left foot appears around the bend and this is my signal to get behind him as he sprints past.

Grabbing the mans wrists and twisting his arms behind his back, I am able to detain him from reaching into his pockets for possible armed weapons or devices.

His body swings backwards as his legs were still mid-run until he comes to a complete stop and begins to aggressively wriggle his wrists.

"Get your fucking hands off me, bitch!" He tries to use his foot to trip me up forcing me to quickly swerve it and undercut his leg with my own, causing him to fall to the floor with me holding him down.

"Suspect captured, I need backup as he's hostile and possibly armed" I use one hand to communicate with the other as my other one is busy holding the growling man's wrist tightly to his back.

"Roger that, we will be down there right away" Namjoon replies.

Soon enough, Jimin and Namjoon jog around the corner and kneel down beside myself and the caught criminal who is still struggling under my harsh grip.

"You have the right to remain silent as anything you say may be used against your defence in the court of law." I explain the usual as well as handcuff him as Jimin searches the man for any signs of weapons, drugs or possible stolen cash with gloves on to make sure not to tamper with any potential evidence.

He pulls out a small hand gun of which is loaded with two bullets as well as some keys and wrappers from eaten gum.

We collect all the evidence we can find on the man and his get away driver of which Namjoon caught. As well as a thorough search through the black SUV, we transport them back to the station to where they will be asked questions.

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