Chapter XXXII: The Long Awaited Gamble

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It seem the boy, Dain is not accustomed to sleeping alone so he slept with Videric. Videric didn't go to school for a week after the funeral was finished and he visited his sister daily to see how she is holding up. So far she was stable just haven't gained consciousness, he was of course was asked to have a meeting with the other Great Satan's.

They questioned him on why he did what he did, his answer was simple. He wanted his dear older sister home and safe, he wants her home not in a prison or dead. Seeing how his answer is always the same they let it go but, not after suspending Videric from his work for a month. He didn't care, after all his attention is now focused on his sister and not on his work.

Videric woke up to his alarm beeping, he slowly open his eyes. His nephew beside him, hugging him tightly. He quickly dismissed the alarm so it won't wake up his nephew. He slowly remove the cover from his body and tucked his nephew back in, he quietly make his way to the bathroom to shower. He locked the bathroom door and took all of his clothes before, entering the shower.

He did his normal routine of showering and putting on his contacts. He then dried himself before wrapping the towel around his waist, unlocking the bathroom door and exiting. He sees that his nephew is still sleeping soundly in his bed, he had shifted and now was sleeping soundly on Videric's side of the bed.

Videric's look at him with a soft smile before going to change his clothes, he took out his uniform and quietly changed into it. After changing into his school uniform he grabbed his school bag and slowly exited the bedroom, quietly closing the door.

He went downstairs to go to the great hall to have breakfast, the servants were like usual there. He sat down on his chair and began to eat his breakfast. After, eating breakfast he goes to put on his shoes, Valamir followed him closely behind to see him off.

"Also, please don't try to wake up Dain. Let him sleep, I also don't want him to cry for me."

Valamir:"He has grown attached to you, young master."

"In a span of a week yeah, I'm shocked. But, please don't try to wake him up let him wake up on his own accord." As he tap his shoes on the ground.

Valamir just nodded as he sees him off, Videric create a teleportation circle and teleported to school. Like usual, the place he teleported was empty, not a single person in sight.

Videric walked into the main school building to his locker, several of the students were just getting ready to change their shoes to go to class, some were waiting for their friends. Videric opened his locker and took out his indoor shoes, he quickly changed the shoes and putting his outdoor shoes inside the locker.

After that he goes up the stairs and turn left to walk down the wooden hallways, several student were walking with their friends some are chasing their friends. He finally reached his class and slide the door open. There like usual Sayaka, the vice president who he had learned is named, Ririka and of course Kirari. They seemed surprised to see him come to school today.

Kirari:"I'm surprised you came to school today." As she look at Videric.

"Decided not to skip school and actually go to school. But enough about me, I need something from you."

Kirari:"Oh? What is it?"

"Is your offer to the gamble still available? I would like to take you up on that today."

Kirari:"Is that so? Your lucky, the offer still indeed stand. When will we gamble?" An amused grin was visible as he looks down at her.

"After school would be a perfect time is it not?"

Kirari:"Yes, I agree. I'll see you then Videric." Her sharp gaze met Videric's and sparks flew.

He returned the smirk and goes back to sit down on his seat, putting his bag to the side, everybody looked at him in utter disbelief. It look like he just choose death, unfortunately for them devils don't die easily atleast, not without a fight. Soon, the bell ring and the teacher came in.

They all stood up to greet him like usual and greeted the teacher. He greeted them back and make them sit down so he could begin the lesson. But first he needed to call attendance.

The first half of class is done and he stand up, stretching before exiting the classroom and going to meet up with Yumeko, Ryota and Mary. He goes to their class and waited for them outside, soon the teacher dismissed them and they came out.

Ryota:"God his class is boring."

Mary:"I know right."

"Sounds tough, anyways let's go have lunch."

They all nodded in agreement and follow Videric to the cafeteria, while walking he could feel glances from the other students as he walked by. His friends eventually caught wind of this and listened on the gossip.

As they reach the cafeteria they got in line to buy food, that's where some people were loudly whispering about him and even pointing at him. Their eyes widen as they all look at Videric who was standing in line.

Ryota:"Are you serious?"


Ryota:"You challenged the president? First Yumeko now you!?"

"First of all, calm down. It'll be fine. Plus you could see me and her gamble after school. If you are free that is."

Yumeko:"I'll come! I'm quite excited to see you gamble against the president herself."

Mary:"If Yumeko goes I'll go."


Ryota:"I..I'll come with."

"Well that settles that then. Go to the student council room since the gamble will take place there."

They got to the end of the line and purchase their food. They found an unoccupied seat and decided to sit there, Videric sat next to Ryota while, Yumeko sat on the opposite of him and Mary next to her. They chatted while they eat, deciding to spend all of their time in the cafeteria before the end of lunch bell rings.

As the bell rings they all go to throw out the trash and went their separate ways, Videric made his way back to his classroom. He was one of the first to arrive and sat down on his seat to wait for the teacher.

Slowly the classroom began to fill up with his classmates, Videric just stayed quiet and play on his phone while waiting for the teacher. Finally, he heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the door and, the sound of the door sliding open and, sliding close. He put his phone into his bag and stood up along with his classmates. They all greeted the teacher and he just nodded before letting them seat first before he can start the class. Videric sighed as he took out his pencil and book from his school bag.

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