Chapter XVI: Surprise!

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Videric jolted awake when his phone starts beeping violently, someone was calling him and disturbed him. He was annoyed but kept calm, grabbing his phone from the bedside table and answering it without checking the called I.D

"Hello who's this."

Kirari:"Ah, it's Videric."

"Gah! What the fuck?" He said surprised

Kirari:"Oh my, surprised to hear my voice?"

"Uhm yes! How did you get my number?!"

Kirari:"I keep track of everything in this school."

"And why did you call me?!"

Kirari:"Simply to ask you why didn't you come to school today."

"That doesn't give you a reason to call now is it?" He sighed into the phone.

Kirari:"Remember who you are talking to."

"I am sick. I needed rest."

Kirari:"Is that so? Or is it the source of you getting angry yesterday?"

"You're obsessed with me huh? You like me or something?"

Kirari:"Haha, you can only wish. You do sound a little tired though."

"Yeah because you woke me up."

Kirari:"Apologies for that but I want to gamble with you. Just between the two of us."

"My oh my, taking me up on my offer huh?"

Kirari:"I wanna see the full extend of your capabilities."

"Well, the offer is closed for now president. I am quite busy."

Kirari:"Ah, what are you busy with? Or.. are you scared? Afraid you will lose?"

"I'm afraid none of those things, I am simply busy for a lot of reason, I have alot of private things to attend to, but this is where our conversation end. Thank you for checking up on me but I must go back to sleep."

As he hung up the phone, he genuinely was too tired to continue on with the conversation, but was flattered that she checked up on him if that's not her purpose then he's still grateful she asked him why he's not at school. He check the time to see it was 2 P.M and he decided to go back to sleep, he put the phone back onto the bedside table and fell back asleep.

Hours later he woke up to his alarm ringing, he slowly open his eyes rubbing them in the process. He turned off the alarm and made his way to the bathroom, it was time for him to show how powerful he really is. In a form to save his 'sister' from an arranged marriage. He removed his clothing and got in the shower, letting the water run down his body as he thought back to the plan.

After that he got dress in a suit, he made his way downstairs, the vials of holy water should have been delivered and ready to use. Valamir was downstairs, in the foyer, he was seemingly waiting for the young lord to come downstairs.

Valamir:"Ah, young lord!"

"What is it Valamir?"

Valamir:"I was quite worried when you didn't come downstairs for lunch and breakfast."

"I'm sorry for not informing you earlier Valamir."

Valamir:"It's quite alright, young lord. The holy water you requested has arrived.'

"Hm..who delivered it?"

Valamir:"Sirzechs did. He arrived late this evening to deliver the vials."

"Good, where is it?"

Valamir:"Ah, I put it in your studies. I thought you were going to use it for research. Shall I get it for you?"

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