Headcanons Part 2

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Ship: Multiple ships
Trigger warnings: blood
I have too many of these, so I made a part two. Enjoy lovely people who read this for some reason!

- Jack gives everyone nicknames, no matter if he's known them for years or for seconds
- Most of the time they are from their name (e.g. Davey) But sometimes they can be random
-He also gave the newsies most of their newsie names
-Race often steals Albert's hat as payback for Albert stealing his cigars
- which is hard because because he is taller then Race but Race still somehow manages it
- Then he runs off with it while Albert chases him
-he also calls the red head "Orangutan" because of his hair
- Albert hates it, but cant be mad at Race
-One time, Oscar called him that and Race got angry
- Can you guess what happened?
-quick clue: there was blood

Modern AU headcanons because why not:
- Davey is Jewish
- Every Christmas and Hanukkah (sorry if I get anything wrong), Buttons makes them all sweaters
-They all get wear them
- If they don't, they get pressured into wearing them by the rest of the group
-Davey learnt this the hard way

- Newsies and their preferred drinks: Coffee: Albert, Jack, Kid Blink,  Finch, Romeo
Tea: Sarah, Kath, Davey, Crutchie, Specs, Mush
Hot Chocolate: Buttons, JoJo, The twins
Vodka: Spot, Tommyboy, Race
'Too young for Caffeine': Les, Elmer 

- Race is a sloppy drunk
- On the rare occasions Spot gets drunk, he doesn't go mad. He bulk buys
- One time he bought 11 packets of frozen peas, 12 pizzas and 9 bottles of lemonade
- Race finds it hilarious
- Most of the time, he doesn't know what he has done until later or he finds how much he has bought
- When Jack gets drunk, he has no filter at all

Newsies favourite musicals:
Jack: Les misérables
Race: Mean girls (what a surprise)
Davey: Falsettos
Les: Hamilton
Albert: Twisted/Starkid
Finch: Sound of music
JoJo: Grease
Spot: Heathers
Buttons: Dear Evan Hansen
Katherine: Six
Crutchie: Tuck everlasting (Wow, big shocker)

Favourite song :
Jack: Who am I? (Les misérables)
Race: Do this thing (Mean girls)
Davey: Michael in the bathroom (Be more chill)
Les: My father's a homo (Falsettos)
Albert: What I know now (Beetlejuice)
Finch: Birds (The ultimate story time)
JoJo: Ready set, not yet (Beetlejuice)
Spot: CaliforM.I.A (Black Friday)
Buttons: One day more (Les misérables)
Kathrine: There's a fine, fine line (Avenue Q)
Crutchie: Top of the world (Tuck everlasting)

Why Race (1992) is, in fact, a dad friend:
- Plays the harmonica
- Protective over Les
- Calls for Crutchie before he gets arrested
- I'm a dad friend and I relate to him
- that's evidence enough
- Everyone else is tapdancing he's just dad dancing and doing his thing"proud yet humble"
- Ready to punch at any time
- Literally, his fists are always curled
- Getting too into Medda's singing at the rally
- Have I mentioned DAD DANCING!?!?
- Tries to protect Medda at the Rally
- "When the circulation bell starts ringing, will we hear it?"
- Covers for Jack when Snyder comes
- You can see the dad look in his eye when Snyder comes
- "Glum and dumb, what's the matter with you?"
- "What are we meant to do to the bums, kiss em?"

- Jack is terrified of bugs
- Like, even scared of the one's as big as a dime
- And you can bet any money that he did not take bugs into consideration when he dreamt of Santa Fe
- He makes Davey or Race kill them
"Jack it's literally a ladybug"
- Crutchie always kills it with his crutch for him

Newsies one-shots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora