Kindergarten boyfriend

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Ship: Sprace
Pov: Race
Trigger warnings: Sucide, death, sadness
Song: Kindergarten boyfriend -Heathers

There was a boy I met in Kindergarten
He was sweet, he said that I was smart
He was good at sports and people liked him. And at naptime once we shared at mat

The sun was scorching hot, as you would expect from a flaming ball of light, but a 6 year old Antonio Higgins didn't know that. And, personally, he didn't want to. He already knew a lot; how long it took for milk to curled, basic Italian and that girls were gross. He couldn't believe that he had to date one of them one day. A boy would be better instead, a certain boy came into his mind. His best friend, Sean Conlon, to be specific. He was amazing at sports and had lots of friends, as one would expect a athletic 7 year old to be. But Tony was definitely his best friend, no doubt. They were joined at the hip, inseparable.

I didn't sleep, I sat and watched him dreaming.
Watched him sleep for nearly half an hour
Ooh, then he woke up
He pulled a scab of one time playing kickball
Kissed me quick, then pressed it in my hand
I took that scab and put it in a locket
All year long I wore it near my heart

Some would call it creepy, but to Antonio it was a reminder of friendship. Just like some would call it a crush, he called it best friends. He just wanted a reminder of his favourite day ever, what's so werid about that? He could remember it like it was yesterday. Maybe because it was yesterday.... Not the point. The kiss made him feel all, fuzzy inside. Like a fizzy drink being shaken up. But it was just what friends did, Right?

He didn't care if I was thin or pretty
And he was mine, until we hit first grade
Ooh, then he woke up

True, he wasn't the most pretty boy in his year. He wasn't like one of them actors in those werid high school movies his parents watched even though they were 40 and aren't in high school. But Sean still like him, still told him he was the prettiest boy he had ever seen (which Antonio would reply with "You've not seen a lot of boys, then.").

Last night I dream a horse with wings
Flew down into my homeroom
On it's back, there he sat
And he held out his arms
So, we sailed above the gym
Across the faculty parking lot
My Kindergarten boyfriend, and I
And a horse with wings

The dream was cheesy and cliché, he had to admit. And it had no chance of ever becoming a reality because horses with wings don't exist; and even if they did, why would his best friend be riding one? Still, it was nice to dream sometimes. To relive what feeble memories the past holds.

Now we're all grown up and we know better
Now we recognise the way things are
Certain boys are just for kindergarten
Certain girls are meant to be alone

Alone was the perfect word to describe Antonio now. Sitting alone at lunch, walking alone to class, it had a pattern. Sean, or as he was now known 'Spot', had left him, joining a friend with some more then questionable people in it. He became colder, tougher, meaner, and it was heart breaking to see what had become of his childhood friend.

But I believe that any dream worth having
Is a dream that should not have to end
So I'll build a dream I can live in
And this time I'm never waking up

Memories ran through his head, racing to be seen. The two boys, aged 6 and 7 sat in a tree, hitting unsuspecting strangers with small rocks. Then again, now 10 and 11, sharing a chocolate ice creamp after Antonio's (Known nicknamed 'Race') fell on the floor. They were nice memories, he was not denying it. They were just a depressing reminder of what he once had, and what he was going to leave behind.

And will soar above the trees
Over parks and croquet lawns
Past the church and the lake
And the tri-county mall
We will fly through the dark
To a new kindergarten
Where naptime is centuries long

His last thought was of the short, brunette boy he had always been in love with. He wasn't in denial anymore, or confused like his 6 year old self. He was in love with Sean, ever since kindergarten. But like all things from that icky time in life, nothing was the same. And now he had run out of time to tell him, just his luck, really.

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh

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