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Ship: Ralbert
Pov: Race
Trigger warning: Nightmares? Idk.
Prompt: "I heard you talking in your sleep"

It was past midnight when I heard a few mutterings from my boyfriend, Albert. Most of the other boys were asleep, and had it been a normal night I would have been right with them. My brain was just so full of thoughts it was hard to shut it off. As thoughts of uno, cigars, my boyfriend and horses dancing through my head, a muttering reach my ears.
"I love yous, Racer." I quickly leaned over the side of my bunk. Nope, he was still asleep. How he still managed to look that adorable when he was drooling onto a pillow and starfished on his bed was a mystery. More muttering came, "No! Please No!" Even in his sleep, his tone went from loving to panicked, almost........ desperate? I was concerned now. Jumping down lightly, so I didnt wake the other fellas up and cause a world war, I sat on Albie's bedframe as more desperate muttering came.
"Ise sorry, racer...... Ise loves yous. No! Wait, Ise sorry!" The tone became even more desperate. How to wake someone up from a nightmare? I tried shaking him slightly, but he flinched away.
"Hey... Albie, wake ups..... it just me....." That seemed to do the trick. Any thoughts of happiness after successfully gone in a instant when I saw the tears splatted across his cheeks. Being the good boyfriend I am (dont listen to Jack when he says I aint a good boyfriend, he just jealous Davey is dating Kathrine instead of him!), I went in for a hug, but he shuffled away and curled into a ball.
"Sorry.....Didnt mean.... you...... Race....." Albert mumbled between sobs, hugging his knees to his chest and keeping an unusually far distance between me and him.
"Its fine, Albie. You didn't wakes me up, Ise was already up. Do youse want a hug like ya normally do?" I offered, holding out my arms. Needing comfort, he shuffled into my lap and hide his head in my shirt. I knew he was crying as his shirt got wet but I dont care.
"Minds telling me what it is dis time? Ise just wanna helps ya," My hand brushing through his adorable bed-head, trying to tame it.
In the quietest voice you could imagine, Albert answered, "Yous were angry..... said ya never lov'd me.....den ya... Ise real sorry, Racer."
"Hey, no, it ok. Ise loves ya so much, it was just a dreams. What dids ise do?" I reassured him, worried at what fictional Race had done.
"Youse and Tommy boy kissed...." Albert explained, still hiding in my chest. I felt my heart drop.
"Albie, you know Ise is over him. Ise loves you so much!" I reassured.
"Ise knows yous over him, but is he over you?"

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