The Door

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He is a strange boy. They ran together, hid together, killed the Hunter together, all the while he kept being nice. It was like he was the exact opposite of Six. What made him so nice? This strange boy confused Six, especially when they took the door out to sea.
Six was tired. All that running and swimming, it was exhausting. She had stayed in the Hunter's cabin for over a month, if she had more vigor she'd be fine with all the running. However, Six spent most of her time sitting and winding the music box. As she sits on the wood door, the strange boy still accompanying her, she weighs her options. She can wait, just hope that the trip won't take very long. She can swim away, a suicidal endeavor, but an option nonetheless. She can talk to the strange boy, learn more about him and become his friend, an even stupider idea than swimming. Or, she can take a nap. They'll be traveling for some time, so one little nap can't be that bad. So, it was decided. Six lays on her back, the cold wood giving little comfort to the already wet and uncomfortable girl. The slow ocean currents drift Six to sleep, their waves like a lullaby from the sea. It was rather enjoyable. That was, until the boy ruined it. She felt his hand touch her shoulder; he had a soft touch. She was quick to open her eyes and slap his hand away. He retaliated, behind those empty bag eyes rested a look of confusion.
It was a silent agreement, Six's eyes saying more than enough. He shuffled back to his side of the door, trying to avoid her terrible gaze. Six laid on the wood once more, the ocean's lullaby drifting her back to sleep.
When her eyes opened, the Pale City welcomed her. The boy was waiting for her, his feet deep in the sand and arms swaying from side to side. He didn't go very far, unfortunately. He should've left when he had the chance.

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