"Hopefully above a seventy-five, realistically, probably a seventy." Jack says after a moment of contemplation.

I smile reassuringly at him, "I'm sure you did fine. There's still two weeks to go so plenty of time no matter what you score."

He's telling me all about the freshman who showed up to morning practice today late, smelling like a bar while I grade his test. I wasn't surprised when Jack said my dad kicked him out of practice and told him not to come back. I guess it wasn't the first time he'd done this and they only started regular season practices two weeks ago.

Jack didn't do terrible on the test. He got a seventy-one and thankfully wasn't too upset by it. It's what he was expecting but still disappointing I'm sure.

"You guys are coming to Halloween right?"

"That's what it sounds like. Pritchett said we're going as power rangers but I'm sure it isn't going to be the kids version." I joke and he grins.

"So you're going to be a slutty power ranger. What color?"

"Pink of course. It's not slutty either."

Jack's smile tells me that he doesn't believe me. Hell, I don't think I even believe me. Pritchett can be a wild card. "Darling, you just said you were sure it wasn't going to be the kids version, which means it's going to be the slutty version. That's practically what Halloween is for chicks."

My cheeks flush and I shove his shoulder, "You're just worried because you're not going to be able to handle seeing me dressed as your childhood fantasy."

"How do you know I fantasized about power rangers? Maybe it was Dora?"

I snort and he joins me in laughter, "You...please tell me Dora wasn't your fantasy."

"What if she was?"

"I'd tell you that's gross because she is a child on a kids show and you better be fucking lying." I reply and he leans forward catching me by surprise.

"I am. Always had a thing for the pink power ranger." And then my heart stops when his lips brush over my cheek. Oh. Oh.

Jack winks playfully at me as he pulls away. I relax instead of freaking and crack a smile, "You suck. Three."

"You are so bad for my self-esteem," He teases and I roll my eyes.

"Your ego will survive."

He smirks and reaches to ruffle my hair. "See while I might be able to admit it could be hard seeing you in a skimpy costume, you have no idea what it's going to be like seeing me in the 'ole getup."

"Is that so?"

"Absofuckinglutely Al."

I play with the bottom of my sweatshirt, feeling like the conversation is heading in a direction it shouldn't. "How bout instead of talking about how you think I'm going to react to you playing cowboy, let's continue studying."

Realistically we only make it another half hour before Ruby is knocking on the door. "Hey, we're inviting some people over. Wanna come hang?"

Jack looks at me with a raised eyebrow in questioning. "I think my brain has absorbed as much as it's going to. I think a break would be good."

It does sound like fun. "Don't let me have more than one beer. I'm not going tomorrow morning if I'm hungover." Plus, I probably need to stay in my own bed tonight because I think all the time I'm spending with Jack is fucking with my head. It might help with all the assumption's being made by our friends if I do stay in the dorms instead of here.

Heart As Cold As Ice | 18+ | ✓Where stories live. Discover now