38 - Dear Seth Rollins... - Brollins

Start from the beginning

"Becky I'm here okay? I'm not going to leave you and I really need you to wake up from this because there's so many things I want to tell you, so many feelings I was yet to confess and there's so much, too much for us to do together so I'm going to need you to hold on okay." I dragged my hands through her hair as I felt the pit in my stomach grow deeper, the letter addressed to me catching my eye again. "You should see the ambulance shortly." I stood up carefully from the floor, my legs not feeling like my own as I stumbled downstairs to open the door for them.

The paramedics rushed to Becky and everything just went silent as this numbing feeling coated my entire body, I watched them trying to save Becky and my tears just fell, running down my cheeks like the rain on the windows. I could barely breathe as I just watched them, as I just watched her. I wanted just to curl up in a ball and sob as Becky's heart refused to beat but I couldn't, it felt like I was chained to the chair. "Charge to 200. Clear...shocking." I watched as the machine came to life, Becky's heartbeat on the screen, the lines following her rhythm and I just felt my entire body be flooded with relief, she's alive. I wasn't too late.

"We need to get her to the hospital now, or we're going to lose her." Suddenly my relief was cut short as they rushed her onto a stretcher and into the ambulance. I grabbed the letter from the kitchen before I followed them because I wasn't going to let Becky do this alone, I want to be there when she wakes up because I need to know she's okay and I need her to know that she's okay.

A few hours later...
I sat at Becky's bedside, playing with the letter in my hands like I had been since I left her house, I haven't built up the courage to read it yet, not sure if I'd be able to handle reading her give up, reading her say goodbye to me. It was a very dangerous overdose and the doctors honestly don't know how she's even still alive considering the levels of drugs that were in her body. As soon as we got here they took her for scans and testing, they've already preformed a stomach pump on her to try and balance the levels in her body and that was some of the scariest time in my life, every time a doctor came over to me I'd thought I'd lost her but I haven't and I need to read her letter.

I put my phone on silent as I lean back in my plastic chair, finally having the courage to read the letter. I feel sick as I read the first line because in my head it's Becky reading it to me.

"Dear Seth Rollins,
Hey, when you're reading this I probably won't be here anymore and god forbid you may have even found me. I just want to start with I'm sorry, I'm really fucking sorry but I can't do this anymore Seth. I can't keep living this life, it just hurts all the time and I try my best to hide this from you because you deserve to be happy, you deserve a good life so I do everything in my power to make sure that I'm not the one hurting your feelings.

Now secondly and you're probably going to hate me for saying this, you're probably going to think I'm a selfish bastard for telling you this before I kill myself, but I love you so fucking much. I love you too much Seth, you've been the thing that has kept me hanging on this long and I'm sorry for loving you but I couldn't not. Tell everyone that I'm sorry for me, tell them that it wasn't their fault and listen to me when I say it's not your fault either.

And finally I want to say goodbye. You've been so good to me, you've been the best friend that I could've ever asked for and I'm sorry that I'm doing this to you. I've thought about doing this so many times and today there were finally more cons that pros, so I know I said all I want you to do is be happy and you're probably upset right now so I'm sorry okay? I'm really really sorry but the pain I felt was too much and I couldn't take it anymore, so I'm saying goodbye.

I wish things could've been different, I wish things could've ended better but I love you Seth, so I'm sorry that you even have to read this. Goodbye x

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