Chapter 19

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"I think that we should go on a date." Those were the first words out of my mouth, and surprisingly, he looked as though I caught him off guard. Luke and I were laying on his bed, gazing out the window to admire the sunset beaming down from the sky, just before I brought up that statement. I know that our relationship seems a bit rushed, since we basically got together a week ago and I'm already mentioning a date. It's just that I believe the first date is one of the most important parts in a relationship, and if there's no first date, then what would be the point of dating?

Luke sighed quietly as he squeezed my hand. "Michael, don't you think that we should wait a while?" I frowned, feeling my heart slowly stopping. I waited years and years and years for a first date with someone, and even though that someone isn't Calum, I'd at least like to have it with a person. I don't want to grow up without finding love, real love, the kind that people hate but adore all at the same time. I'm tired of being thrown around, I want a real relationship and I don't want to wait any longer. I'm nineteen years old, I deserve to be loved after so many years of being hated.

"And why do you want to wait a while?" I questioned, sounding stubborn. I didn't intend to come off that way, but he was irritating me with all of the waiting. It felt as though I wasn't important. When we danced in the rain, I felt special, incredibly special. It felt as though I was the only one he wanted, even though we both know that he's in love with Ashton. The thought of Luke loving anyone else breaks my heart. At first, I didn't like him, not one bit, but now I can't help but confess that I'm slowly starting to love the boy.

It's nothing compared to how I feel about Calum of course, but it's pretty close and I think that should be good enough. However, if he wants to wait to go on a first date, then I guess I should just accept it and be happy. He is my boyfriend afterall and relationships require patience. But the thing is that I don't want to patient, because I want to feel the magic happen and the sparks, I want to feel like there's a million fireworks setting off above me. I don't want to feel as though there's some weird type of cloud forming above me and blocking me from any sort of happiness. Because I am happy, just not as happy as I could or should be.

"Fine," Luke said angrily while releasing his grip on my hand, "let's go on a first date then." He didn't sound like he wanted to and that wasn't what I expected from him at all. I don't want to force him into it, because if he isn't ready then he isn't, but I'd still like to at least know how long I have to wait.

"No, it's okay," I assured him, which only made him roll his eyes. "Nope, let's go."


I wasn't sure where Luke was taking us. We were in the car, just driving. We ended up getting stuck in traffic which caused Luke to constantly mumble cuss words to himself and occasionally yell at those who were driving slow. I guess that this is what happens when people are in a hurry but I never meant for it to turn out this way. I want the first date to be exciting, filled with love and everything else but it isn't. It's not even close to that.

Eventually though, we finally made our way through the traffic and ended up at some park. There was a large grassy area and a small playground that not a single kid was at. Luke smirked to himself as he pulled the keys out of the engine and got out of the car door. I sighed to myself while glancing at the mirror one last time to make sure I looked okay, then I stepped out and closed the door so that he could lock the car.

"Luke, why are we here?"

"Stop bomboaring me with questions and be thankful. I'm not the romantic type and this was the closest thing I could think of since you really wanted our first date to be now."

I frowned. There was nothing to do at this place. The field was completely empty and you couldn't hear a single sound except for the birds flying by. Luke sighed once again and pulled me towards the grassy area. The grass was dry thankfully which made me smile a bit, and I let out a breath of relief when realizing we weren't going to the playground. It wasn't that I had anything against playgrounds, it was just that this one was practically broken and I'd hurt myself if I even tried to 'play' on it.

Luke suddenly stopped walking which caused me to cock an eyebrow. We were just standing in the middle of the field, not exchanging a word. Instead of going somewhere else like I expected we would, he laid down on the grass then patted the extra space next to him. This wasn't a nice first date at all.

I laid down beside him and glanced at him, but he wasn't looking at me. He was staring up at the sky that was slowly starting to get dark and his chest was rising and falling. I found it adorable but I didn't say anything since I didn't want to come off as weird. I scooted closer towards him until our skin was touching, then I brought my hand over towards his. The way his hands feel just make me smile - they're so warm and smooth. I brushed my thumb across his then intertwined our fingers slowly as he did the same. But again, he didn't look at me.

It stayed this way for a while. There was silence, and only silence so I decided to break it. "You know Luke, I'm really starting to like you." He didn't say anything which caused me to frown. I wasn't sure if it was a like, because it felt like it was so much more than the both of us made it out to be. "Actually, I think I love you."

I've only ever loved one person in my life and that was Calum, but there are a lot of different types of love. Mine just happens to be the small but passionate kind. I laid there silently, hoping for a response, but instead he just looked at me and gave me a closed lip smile, but didn't say it back. He doesn't love me.

I sat up and removed my hands from his. "Luke, why did you bring me here?" That caused him to snap out of everything and sit up. "What do you mean?"

I felt tears prickling in my eyes. This never happens, I don't cry over people. I'm not supposed to cry in front of anybody. "I-I thought that a first date was supposed to be special. You're supposed to talk on a first date, not stay silent. You haven't looked at me once this entire night, d-did I do something wrong? This was a horrible first date Luke, a horrible one."

I could see Luke's face turning red out of anger. "Then why did you come?! Excuse me for at least trying. I wanted to wait but you insisted and you always have to have it your way, Michael. And look, we just got together and we're already having our first couple fight. Nice, just fucking nice."

Everything he was saying was hurting me and I'm not even sure why. "Well if I always have to have it my way, then take me home. I don't want to go on another date." And that's when I knew that Luke knew he fucked up, but I wasn't going to let him make it up to me.

I've been hurt before, I'm not letting it happen again. But I'm slowly starting to feel that pain that I felt when being single, and it's not even because he brought me here, but it's because I told him I love him and he didn't say it back.

A/N: I'm sorry for not updating, I really am. I'm so tired rn tho and it's not even 7 p.m yet ughhh. I hope you enjoyed this update tho. Its kind of crap but hey I tried. There's a lot of drama atm but I'm trying to put more fluff into this story cause i know you guys like it.. and smut too but I'm not the best at writing it xD

well anyway, that's all for now. thanks for reading and voting and commenting if you do. ily guys so much okay? always <3 byeee!

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