Zone 1 - Act 2: U.A. Entrance Exam (S1)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Present Mic: "Alright you lucky listeners! Can all of you give a YEAH!"

The only thing that Mic could hear was total silence.

Present Mic: "Tough crowd... ANYWAY! You boys and girls passed the written test now it's the practical part of the test!"

On the screen behind him, it showed 3 different types of robots.

Present Mic: "In this test, you'll be battling against some robots called Pointers! You must destroy the robot so you'll be able to gain points for your score! That's all I have to tell you but before I end this, do any of you have any questions?"

As he said that, a blue haired boy stood up and raised his hand.

Present Mic: "Yes, you young man! What is your question!"

???: "Yes! It says here on your pamphlet is that there will be four types of robots that we'll seeing in this test! So why is there three instead of four? Is this an error? If so then this is not an excuse for UA! We are to become heroes. If UA proceeds to keep on making mistakes like this then this will be unacceptable. And... You!"

He turns to Izuku, who looks at him with a confuse look because he was just on his phone.

???: "You've been looking at your phone while ignoring Present Mic! If your here to goof off then leave!"

Izuku had enough so he stood up and looked at the kid.

Izuku: "I'm sorry but I was listening to him. I just looked at my phone for anything new that came up. With you having to talk about this stupid comment is really getting to me because I know that Mic or the school has a reason of why there are 4 robots instead of 3. So how about you shut up and sit down."

The boy shut up and sat back down. So did Izuku.

Present Mic: "Well, I'll answer that question for you kid! The last one is worth zero points! So it's just best to avoid it! Now! That's all I had to say! Good luck out that all of you amazing kids! And go beyond! Plus Ultra!"

Mic only got silence as he frown and shrugged it off while the students head to the buses. After a while, Izuku made it to City A. He see Ochaco a little nervous. He starts walking to her but he was stopped when a hand was placed on his shoulder. He sees that it was the same kid a couple of minutes ago.

???: "Why are you doing? Can't you see that she's trying to focus. Are you trying to distract her?"

Izuku was getting annoyed as the kid was getting on his nerves.

Izuku: "Okay. Listen here. I'm just trying to see if I can go and help her calm down. But you're getting in my way, so can I see if I can calm her down?"

???: "Oh. I'm sorry. I did not know."

Izuku waves it off as he tried to head to Ochaco but Present Mic's voice could be hear from the building.

Present Mic: "Alright, Everyone! The test will begin in 3...!"

Izuku stretched for a bit before getting into a running stance.

Present Mic: "2...!"

The green lighting surrounded Izuku, people were looking at him with awe.

Present Mic: "1...! GO!!!"

Izuku blasts off at insane speed as wind blew people back. They were shocked to see the intense power of speed he had. They started to rush inside but were shocked again to see the robots that was in the city were now giant scraps of metal. People see Izuku destroying the other robots with kicks and spin dashes.

Deku Xजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें