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Third Person's POV

A bouquet of marigolds and a letter, that's what Jieun received. She smiled faintly as she knows for sure who these were from.

She stared at the bouquet and smiled as tears flowed down at the same time.

"I never thought that a flower could bring me so much joy and break me at the same time" she whispered

"You brought me joy with your sunflowers and broke me with these marigolds" she said to herself "But I know it's my fault"

"I took you for granted and broke your heart" she took a deep breath "I betrayed you and I regret that"

She went to her room, placed the bouquet down where she kept all the sunflowers he gave and opened the letter.

'My sunshine, thank you for always shining brightly and lightening up my world. You're still my sunshine but the only difference is, you shine for someone else. You still the sun for me but it's like you're covered with dark clouds and a never ending rain'

'I admit, I felt betrayed, I wanted to hate you but I just couldn't. I love you so much that it hurts.'

'Making this decision was hard, but it's for the best. I wanna hold on but I know that it'll feel like I'll be holding onto thorns if I did. I love you but I know you only loved me as you saw him through me.'

'You were my first kiss, my first girlfriend, my first love, and my first heartbreak. You were my first lesson in love my sunshine, a beautiful and painful one. I'm letting you go, we're now both free. Free from the pain of this love we had. Goodbye my sunshine, keep shining brightly, even if it's not for me'

"You made me feel so loved. You were gentle and your love was warm yet I was so numb to feel that" she wiped her tears down "I loved you, I really did, but I guess things just aren't meant to be, like us"


Sunflowers and Marigolds | Lee HaechanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt