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Jieun's POV

I was in my room, writing on my journal when I heard something hit my window.

I got up and opened it to check and a stone hit my face.


"SORRYYYYY" the culprit shouted

I looked down and saw Haechan, he's panicking.

"What the fuck?" I asked

"Wanna sneak out?" he asked

I gave him the 'what?' look.

"No one sneaks out that noisy" Jeno said, who was already out the front yard and opened up the gate for Haechan

I saw Haechan scratch his nape and Jeno shake his head.

I went down and mom and dad were downstairs as well. Haechan, looks so stiff and he has that awkward smile. I laughed as I go down.

"What was that about?" I asked

"I just wanted to try hanging out on midnight" he said

"You could've just asked" my mom said

My dad looked at her and mouthed 'what?' while my mom just ignored him.

"Go get dressed" she told me "You don't wanna make him wait"

I was shocked, Jeno and Haechan were too. But I went upstairs and got dressed. Sounds fun not gonna lie...

I wore something comfortable and warm and when I went down, they were having a chat. I don't really know what they talked about but when I went down, they stopped.

"Make sure to be back before the sun rises" my mom said then winked and dragged my dad to their room

"Don't loose my sister" Jeno said and scouted us out

We walked to the park. It was just a couple of blocks away from our subdivision. Haechan was holding my hand. It was quite breezy the moon is shining so bright and the stars are out. It was as if the sky was awake.

It's currently 12:43 am and we're near the pond, sitting beside each other, still holding each other's hands.

We admired the view in front of us, filled with city lights and the bright full moon while the cold breeze gently blows. It was... romantic.

He smiled "The moon is beautiful isn't?" he asked

I nodded. He rested his head on my shoulders and whispered words that made my heart skip a beat.

"I think, I'm now sure that, I am very in love with you"

After that, he stood up and took my hand amd we went to a place, where we always see each other. It was the ice skating rink where they always practice.

We're technically trespassing but we didn't care.

He took two skates and after we wore them and went to the rink.

I suck at skating but not as bad as before. Haechan was holding both my hands as we spin around the ice.

He then held my waist and I held his shoulder. We danced as if we're in a ballroom. We danced as if we're some Disney princess and prince.

It felt warm.

As we stop, he stared at me and suddenly, his lips met mine.

It felt, soft. It was gentle and sweet. At that moment, I was sure of my feelings for him.

From that moment, I knew that we weren't just friends anymore...

Slowly, our faces moved away from each other and he immediately looked away.

I laughed at him teased him. He chased me and I forgot that we were wearing skates and of course, I fell down, face first.

He laughed out soo loud but soon helped me up.

We took photos of each other. Some are decent while some are just chaotic. We were screaming and laughing loudly. Not caring about anything.

"HEY! You're not allowed to be here at this time" the guard said as he walk inside

We immediately ran and tried to escape but the skates are stopping us.

We both removed them and ran barefooted on the ice and we exited at the back door of the stadium.

We were both catching our breath and laughing at the same time. It's even funnier at the fact that we left our shoes in there and that we're walking back home barefooted.

I opened the gate and he waited for me to go inside.

"Wait here" I said and ran in

I took one pair of my brother's shoes and gave them to Haechan.

His eyes widened and chuckled "These are Jeno's favorite shoes" he said

I laughed "I can't let you go home barefooted, it's a long way"

And after that, we said goodnight... I immediately wrote this night slash dawn on my journal, I also printed some of the pictures we took. It was a memorable and wonderful night.


A/N: These were the photos I had in mind when writing this chapter. These were the inspiration of this chapter ^-^

 These were the inspiration of this chapter ^-^

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