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Jieun's POV

"Sooo...? What's up with Haechan?" I asked Jeno as we're on our way home

"What?" he asked back with his brows furrowed

"I mean, he's weird" I said and laughed "Not that kind of weird, weird. It's a cute type of weird"

Jeno shook his head "You know, I'm worried about you" he said "You are uhh, how do I say this...?" he tilted his head "You're reckless, you do what you want and you get carried away easily"

"What are you implying?" I asked

"You're weak when it comes to temptation and such" he answered

"And why are you telling me this again..?" I asked

I'm really confused. Because, I do know that I'm kinda like that. Ah! Is it because of the secret admirer?

"Nothing, just saying" he said

{Next Day}

I just woke up and to be honest, I was kinda expecting for a letter and a sunflower when I went downstairs and yes, I did, once again, received a letter and a sunflower.

'Good morning my sunshine! I want you to have a happy and cheerful day today! Don't forget to smile okay?

I took them to my room and placed the sunflower to the vase, which was formerly used for the artificial flowers, in my room. I placed the letter inside my drawer where I put my journals and stuff.

"So, you finally moved on from Sunwo—" my brother didn't get to finish his sentence when I threw him my slipper and hit his face

"What? Don't tell me that you're hoping, that he's the one sending those" he said

"FINE! Yes, I am still hoping that it's Sunwoo who sent me these" I said

"You were in 9th grade that time Ji... You're already in college" he replied "Plus, we moved..."

Sunwoo's my ex. We dated from 9th grade until 11th grade. But he suddenly stopped contacting me and when he texted me, he broke up with me. I haven't been myself since. I stopped hanging out with my friends, even Yumi, and stopped socializing with other people.

My parent's then decided to move. They said it's to help me. Well, it actually kinda helped coz I forgot about him but suddenly, he's on my mind again...

"Ji, it's not him okay?" Jeno told me "Stop, he's a jerk. He's never that sweet" he said and rolled his eyes

I laughed at his response "Yeah..."

To be honest, I feel like Haechan triggered those memories... Memories of Sunwoo...

"He reminds me of him" I whispered

I think Jeno heard what I said as he furrowed his eyebrows and mumbled 'who?'

"By the way, are still gonna watch practice tomorrow??" he asked

"Yes. It's boring here" I said

"Have you finished your report already?" he said

"I already did, it was finished since Friday" I answered

"Nerd" he mumbled

Sunflowers and Marigolds | Lee HaechanWhere stories live. Discover now