||15|| Welcome Back

Start from the beginning

"So who's toothbrush is this?" He held the blue one in front of us.

I scrunched my face up at his random pointless questions, "It's mine, clearly. Not only guys can like the color blue, you know." I snorted, "Nevermind your small brain isn't big enough to understand that." I oozed a line of toothpaste on my brush and he snatched it back when I finished.

"So what I'm understanding is, your favorite color is blue," He asked, ignoring my insult.

I sighed, running my toothbrush under the water, "Yes, August, my favorite color is blue. Why is the mafia man that kills people asking me about my favorite color?" I began brushing my teeth.

He shrugged, "I just took you as more of a red sort of woman." He put his toothbrush to his teeth, not running water over it first.


After a few brushes, I spat in the sink, "Nope."

I was going to leave the bathroom but my eyes got caught on August as he bent down to collect water in his hand. His back muscle flexed as he pressed his forearms on the sink to support himself. He swished the water around his mouth before spitting it all out. Then shifted his jaw again, spitting one last time. This time slower, a line of saliva dripping from his wet lips into the sink.

He leaned back up, wiping his mouth clean and looking at me before winking, "Start packing your things. We got to get some training in today after dropping off you're clothes." 

I watched him leave the bathroom until he was out of my sight before letting out a long breath. My hands went to my hair and grabbed a chunk from each side of it, looking at myself in the mirror.

He knew what he was doing with his spit. Right? Or maybe he was just washing his mouth out and I'm overthinking it all.

"I'm going insane," I whispered to my reflection.


I spend about an hour throwing clothes and spare guns in a duffel bag before August and I got into his car to drive back to the apartment.

I sat beside him in the front seat as he drove, grabbing his beer from the holder between the car. I took a sip just as my attention adverted to the radio playing softly.

*start song*

"I fucking love this song," I exclaimed. I went to reach over to increase the volume just as the woman began singing the song that puts me in a trance every time I hear it.

I grinned and turned to august, "Did you really think, I'd just forgive and forget?" I sang and he glanced at me then back at the road. I laughed taking a sip of his beer and turned up the volume some more.

"Youuuu, you two timin' cheat lyin' wannabe. You're a foooooool, if you thought that I'd just let this go! Sing it with me August!"


"I see red!" I shouted along with the lyrics, clutching his arm as he turned a corner, "Oh red!" I sang, arching back into the car seat and shutting my eyes. The wind whipped through the car as he drove down the street. I slipped my gun quickly out of my purse and pointed it at august, "A gun to your head!"

August kept his eyes on the road but I could see the small smirk on the side of his lips. I continued singing, using the small pistol in my hand as a microphone. And just when the beat was about to drop again August reach over and presses a button, the car edges went red.

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