"That's okay. You know, you've been holding onto this thing so much I'm convinced it's actually your diary."

I seated myself back down onto my bed, snatching the book from his hands. "It's not a diary."

Refusing to fail at making himself comfortable once again, Wally jumped onto the bed and seated himself next to me. "Maybe you're hiding fan fiction between those pages," he chuckled, before realizing I didn't know what that meant. "It's... never mind. Anything interesting?'

    "A lot, actually. Everything is finally starting to make sense."

    "So, you think it can help you control your powers?"

    "I don't know, but at least I can understand them now," I said in awe. "The more interesting part is that whoever wrote this studied Earth sciences."

"Right," he nodded. "...And that's more interesting because?"

"Because that means I'm not the first Mayilean to come here, Wally." I eagerly flipped through the pages again, displaying for him the different charts littered in foreign glyphs. "Look, they converted our number systems, translated our alphabet—everything I've been struggling with for months, it's all written in here."

   "I'm happy for you, Iris."

    I was taken aback, seeing that the smile Wally was giving me was genuine. "Shut up," I prompted him to return to his usual playful state. "What happened to Robin?"

    "What? Is my company not enough for you?"

    "Your company is exquisite, Wally," I said lifelessly. "Robin?"

    "Something about Batman excluding him from a private meeting with Aqualad," he waved it off. "Dynamic duo stuff."

    "Is he okay?'

"Aw, look at you, so worried about your boyfriend!"

I shoved Wally by the shoulder. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Ow! Super strength, remember?" he whined. "Rob always has hissy fits like this; living with the Bat can make you moody. Just give him a few hours to cool off."

I hesitated in my seat, unsure what to do next.

    "Wait a second?" Wally was looking towards the book, suddenly using his super speed to pull the bookmark out before I could stop him. "What is this?"

    It was the sketch of Robin from last week. "Nothing."

    "Forget fan fiction," he cackled, "You're making full-blown Robin fan art!"

    "English words, Wally."

    Tears of joy formed in his eyes, unable to contain his laughter. "Do you have more of these?"

    "No." I ripped it from his hands, only for him to steal it back in less than a second. "I just made one."

    I didn't bother to mention the pile of sketches tucked beneath my mattress. All of Fenix and the other faces from home.

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