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-I'm going to the garden. -you smile at him and Doffy lifts a brow, putting down the book he was reading.

Taru looks up at the same second as him. She's painting her dad's nails pink. Hikari is playing on the table.

-Why? -asks the man, a bit worriedly glancing at the creature forming on his hand.

-To pick some strawberries for lunch. -you answer and stroke Doffy's cheek. He catches your waist when you turn around to leave and pulls you back into a sweet kiss.

-Be careful out there. -he says.

-It's just the garden. -you laugh and leave his arms.

-Mom, wanna come too! -shouts Hikari, so you pick him up on your way.

Doffy watches as you walk away with a slight smile playing on his lips. Then he gives his other hand to Taru, holding the book carefully to not mess up his brand new nails.

The little girl chuckles and he looks at her.

-What's it?

-You love mom so much.


-I almost never hear you say it, but you act like that somehow. -she smiles.

-I don't think those three words would really express anything I feel. And she likes to rummage in my feelings anyway... -answers Doffy with a little sigh. -But I still say it to Dowly time to time because it makes her happy.

-Were you always like this, dad?

-No. -he murmurs a bit silently. -You already know some of my past, darling. But what's the most important is that with your mother, I can have such a beautiful family as we are. Even after I met her, for a long time I never wanted one.

-I don't understand why, we are pretty amazing. -smirks Taru and Doffy laughs, kissing her forehead gently.

-I was just afraid that my children would be like myself from those darker years. -he continues. -It took me time to realize that someone like Dowly can have only wonderful kids, even if I'm their father.

-But you are wonderful too!

-I wasn't always. I mean, not this way. -he smiles. -But thank you, sunshine.


-Eavesdroopin' bad, mommy! -protests Hikari silently in your arms. You are standing by the door to hear Doffy well, and hugged your son tightly after the man finished thought.

Why can't he be so sweet when he's talking to me?

No wonder... he has a soft spot for the children.

For me, why would he? I'm just the love of his life, dammit.

-I wasn't eavesdropping, sweetheart. -you answer and he scowls, makes his little cheeks puffy.

This look-

You roll your eyes and stroke his blonde hair.

-Because mommy will let dad now that she heard everything. -you promise him and shout back to the living room. -Doffy!

-What now?! -he asks back with thick annoyance in his voice.

-You are still cheesy as hell, love. -you say and hear as he growls.

-Fuc-... I mean... you... -murmurs Doflamingo embarrassedly. You chuckle and go back, leaning to the doorframe.

The huge man grumbles and covers Taru's ears, and you do the same with Hikari.

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