Bedtime Tale

844 44 21

Doflamingo's POV

-Here. -says Doffy, putting the fried eggs on the table. He picks up a knife to cut it up for Hikari, yawning.

-Dad, you don't seem alright. -says Taru, distrustfully eyeing him.

-Dad's fine. -sighs the man, but falls asleep and his head starts falling towards the table.

His daughter huffs and picks up her ice cold water, pouring it on his head. Doffy jumps up as fast as lightning, gasping for air.

The waterdrops from the golden hair fall on the table one by one.

Taru smiles a little at her shocked father before she speaks.

-You are stupid, daddy. -she chuckles and Doffy frowns for a second before taking a deep breath.

-Now that your mother is not here, looks like I will be the bullied one. -he wonders, sitting back. -You are too much like me, little one.

-Is it good?

-Uhm... Not really. But at least you will be cool as hell.

-Then it is! -laughs Taru and Doffy smiles.

-Fine. But only because you will be better than me. -he says, kissing her forehead tenderly.

Hikari tilts his little head and pouts so the man strokes his blonde hair.

-Don't look at me like this. -he says to his son. -You are the last ray of kindness here after all.

-And me? -protests Taru.

-You just called me stupid, sweetheart.

-Because you are!

Doffy laughs and takes off his sunglasses to wipe off the water of his face with his shirt.

-You look so tired. -says Taru with worry. Their golden blue eyes meet so she continues. -Do you drink enough wine?

-I find it a bit disquieting that this is the first question which came to your mind...

-And do you sleep enough?

Doffy stays silent for a second and continues to cut up the vegetables.

I won't lie to her.


-Why? See, I told you you are stupid! -shouts Taru, flailing in the air with a broccoli on her fork.

-I can't sleep well without your mother. You know it, don't you?

-But we are here for you, dad. -she says. Hikari nods a little and they smile at him.

-I know. Thank you.

-Why didn't you go with mom? -asks Taru, finally eating the broccoli.

-Because I promised her that I will take good care of you. -answers Doffy, then he makes a bright smile on his face. -Don't worry about me little ones. I'm fine.

Taru sighs loudly and turns back to her meal. But a few minutes later she talks again.

-I want to help you to sleep. -she says silently.

-Me too. -says Hikari. Doffy smiles again for a second.

He is learning to speak little by little.

-Eat the dinner, kids.

-But you...

-I'm fine! -shouts the man loudly. Hikari sniffles and Taru shivers from his voice.


Doffy turns pale and hits his head.

-I'm sorry. -he whispers, a tear flowing down his face. -Forgive me. I didn't want to scare you.

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