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-Are you awake? -murmurs Doffy with a sweet smile to your ear as soon as the first sunshines arrive though the window.

-If you won't shut up on your own I will take care of it. -you growl, pulling the blanket over your head with closed eyes.

-Mean as always. -he chuckles, freeing your face again. He cups your face with his huge hands and kisses your cheek tenderly.

-Let me fucking sleep, Doffy. -you protest. -If I knew you wake up so early every day, I would have never married you. Do you sleep at all?

-Of course. -he grins. -Just seeing your grumpy morning face is worth getting up early.

You sigh, looking in his bright golden blue eyes. Doffy leans down and kisses your lips too. You kiss him back, but then stroke his face and turn to your side.

-You know the priority, love. The children, sleeping, food, and then you. -you say and yawn, hugging your pillow.

-You lie almost as well as me. -he whispers proudly and lays back to your side.

-Why the good mood?

-Why not? -he chuckles. A string gleams in the air as he pulls your body to his. You roll your eyes but curl around his warm chest with a happy smile.

-I don't bother you anymore? -he laughs, carressing your hair.

-It was better when you slept silently. It's still so early. -you sigh in his arms.

-I bet. -says Doffy and stands up in a second.

-Oi, come baack! -you shout.

-Once you want me to shut up, then to go back to you. -he winks back at you and hides his beautiful eyes with the sunglasses.

-It's because you wake me up. -you growl. -I need my time.

-I don't understand you, Dowly. -he grins. -Who wouldn't want to wake up to my enchanting voice and perfect looks?

-Right, I'm so fucking lucky to have you. -you smile. Doffy laughs loudly and leans down to you once again for another kiss.

You accept that you have no chance to go back to sleep and sit up, rubbing your eyes.

-I wonder how are Law and Rosi. Was it a good idea? To leave the kids with them for a whole day. -you ask.

-Get ready and we can see. -he answers, making his way to the bathroom. You take a deep breath and follow him.


Rosi and Law's side

-Cora-san please help! Shachi, Penguin... SOMEBODY! -yells Law scaredly.

-I can't go now! -shouts back Rosi from the other room of the submarine. -And the others went to the city. What is it?

-Don't move, Uncle Rosi! -orders Taru, putting like the hundredth pink rubber ring in the blonde man's hair.

-Sorry. -he answers. -But why do you do this every time we meet?

-Because your hair is the prettiest. -states the little girl. Rosinante smiles, trying his best to stay still.

-Law? -he shouts again a bit later, but the young man doesn't answer.

-Law, I didn't raise you to be this fractious. -huffs Corazon. -Just tell your problem already! I will go once my hair is ready.

-You will look cute, Uncle Rosi. Like an emo rainbow prince. -smiles Taru, placing a leaf on the top of the man's head.

The emo rainbow prince has quite serious doubts about this, but he doesn't complain.

Short Tales [Doflamingo×Dowly]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz