Start from the beginning

"Good night Angel.  Good night Punk."

"Jeez.  Good night jerk.  Good night love."

Sophia smiles. She feels her eyes grow heavy and she falls asleep.

The next day, Sophia finds herself alone in the room.  She stretches when the door opens.

"Happy birthday Ma!" Yells Peter as he jumps into the bed.

"Thank you, my love." She looks up and sees Steve carrying a tray into the room with Bucky following behind with some flowers and presents.

"What is all this?" She asks.

"Breakfast in bed for the lady of the house, followed by some presents for my queen.  Nat says you have an hour before she takes you shopping because we are going to a club tonight," Steve explains.

Sophia looks shocked.  "I haven't been to a club before." She says nervously.

"What did you do before in your spare time love?"

"You know, studying, passing the medical boards, residency, SHIELD, taking care of superhero children, the usual." She says sarcastically. "Genius, remember? I had a lot of things going on."

Steve and Bucky chuckle. "Angel you work too hard" Bucky says.

"Well, who else is going to take care of the three most handsome men in the world?  And Tony," she joked.

"Hey, I'm not handsome?" Tony asks as he walks into the room holding Sophia's present. "Happy birthday Rosie."

"Aww thanks Tony. I have to ask; you are allowing this clubbing nonsense?"

"Allowing? Please Rose. I arranged it all.  We have a private balcony and bottle service all set up just for you. A private entrance as well to avoid any press. It's just the team except Peter.  He is going to Ned's for the night. Oh, and a couple of surprise guests."

"Wow, you really planned everything." Sophia sips her coffee.  "This is good" she says.

"I learned how to make coffee," Bucky says proudly.

"Thanks James. I appreciate your hard work." She starts to open the present.  A gift card to the candle store from Peter, a pashmina scarf from Bucky in her favorite color purple and bracelet from Tony of amethyst stones.  She had one more box to open. She opens the card and reads:

To my love on her birthday. The light of my life to the end of time. Love Steven.

"Oh Steve." She says as he opens the velvet box.  Inside are the most beautiful drop diamond earrings. Four smaller stones drop to a large one at the end.  "These are gorgeous."  She immediately puts them on. "How do they look?" She asks.

"You look beautiful Ma" replies Peter as he steals her bacon.

"Hey punk, leave your mom's food alone" says Bucky.  "You look wonderful Angel."

"Wow Capcisle, who knew you had such great taste.  Made my sister more beautiful." 

Steve stares at Sophia, making her blush. He leans down to kiss her. I can't wait for later when you wear these and nothing else, he thinks to her, causing her to blush. He stands up, "You look amazing doll."

"I have the best men in the world."  Sophia tries not to cry.  "Umm, let me finish eating so Nat can torture me at the mall."  The guys laugh and head out.  Sophia finishes her breakfast and changes. She throws her hair in a messy bun and grabs her bag.  She gets downstairs where the rest of the team in waiting for her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The team cheers for her.

"Thank you, guys!  Best birthday so far." She hugs everyone.  Presents are presented to her and she opens everything.

"Ok gents, Wanda, Sophia and I are going shopping for tonight.  Anyone want to come along for the ride?" Nat asks.

"I need a new belt so can I tag?" asks Sam.

"I just don't want to train with Steve" says Bucky jokingly.

"Well since it is a holiday because of me, you both can come along.  We will be back in a couple of hours." Sophia says.  "Bye love" she says to Steve and gives him a kiss.  "See you later."

The group heads to the mall.  Once inside, Sam and Bucky head off for coffee and Sam's new belt while the girls head to a dress store.

"God, I've never been to a club before.  What do I wear?" asks Sophia.

"Well Rose, maybe you should be a little more daring.  For Steve.  He might enjoy it and you might enjoy it later." Nat smirks to her

"Shut it Nat.  I may run away with you but that won't stop me from killing you."

"Try this one on Sophie."  Wanda holds up a black dress. 

"No try this one."  Nat holds up a Champagne dress.

"Ok I'll try both."

Sophia slips on the black dress.  It has little cap sleeves and a flared skirt. Oh my god, thinks Sophia. It barely covers my backside.  "Umm I don't think this is the one" she says out loud. 

"Well come out and we will tell you" replied Nat.

"Nat, I can't wear this.  It's too short."

"Maybe a little" Nat says as Wanda giggles.  "Try the other."

The champagne dress was strapless that fell to her mid-calf.  It was form fitting on top but had an empire waist with little jewels all over.  Sophia felt like a model in this dress.  She came out to show the girls.

"Rose this is your dress!" Nat exclaims.  Wanda twirls Sophia and say, "and with those new earrings you are going to set every guy there on fire."

"Really? Wow guys. Ok. I guess this is the one."

"Good take it off before anyone sees.  We are going to give you a grand entrance tonight for everyone before we leave."

"I don't know what I would do without you guys." Sophia gushes. She pays for the dress and head out right as Bucky and Sam walk in to find them.  "Hey guys.  I just finished.  Ready to go?"

"Sure Angel."

"Do we get to see the dress, Rosie?" asks Sam.

"Nope not until tonight per Nat's instruction."

Possessive - Book Two (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now