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The attack cleaned up after that and 'the dark lord' would be killed for murder and escaping from prison. 'The box' had been buried and a house was being built on top of it. A family of spies would live there in case anyone ever tried to take it again. Even though I knew he deserved it, I pitied him and did not want to be there. I had now combined rooms with Jack, it was basically the same as my old room except twice the size. Jack had even given me all my spy stuff back, I was glad to know that he trusted me. I laid on The bed, heaving. I was sweating terribly.
"Jack..." I gasped, taking his hand and clutching it so tight Jack let out a soft cry.
"Lea," Jack started, Lea was my mother's name. "It's time." Jack heaved. My mother let out a squeal of delight and went outside to tell the rest of the family.

I held the new addition to our family, bloody but beautiful. I was exhausted but I knew it was all worth it now that I held her. She let out a cry and Jack came over with a huge smile on his face.
"Welcome, Princess Amberlea Nickliam Alan." Jack smiled, taking Amberlea from my arms. I smiled and let out a deep sigh. Amberlea's name was a mix of Amber, Jack's mother and Lea, my mother. Nickliam was a mix of Nick, Jack's father and Liam, my father. I knew with every part of my body that Amberlea was going to make a great princess.

"I'm an aunt!" Summer squealed with delight. It was a couple days later and  Summer was holding Amberlea for the first time.
"Yes you are." I smiled.
"Is it my turn yet?" Addison asked, annoyed.
"Addison if you show that behaviour around my child I won't let you hold her at all." I said. I had had enough of Addison's behaviour.
"Sorry." Addison muttered. I handed her Amberlea and looked up at the happy new father. Jack held me in his arms.
"She is going to be beautiful, just like you." Jack smiled. I nudged him playfully.
"One day, Jack, she will have brothers and sisters." I said, smiling.
"Oh? And how many children might that be?" Jack asked, eyeing me with humour behind his eyes.
"Enough to make a baseball team." I said, smiling cheekily. Jack laughed.
"As you wish Izzy." Jack said.


Credits: acac405 for the cover

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