Chapter 11

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"No!" I screamed, sitting up with a start.
"Miss, please lie down," A voice said. Where was I? I asked myself. Then, I realised I was back on the hospital.
"Miss. Please lie down," The voice said again. I would not.
"I have to go," I whispered.
"Excuse me?" The voice asked. I got out of bed and ran out of the hospital, ignoring the stabbing pain in my arm. No big deal, I told myself, it wasn't in my heart or head. My heart was pounding fast, I would not stop running, people behind me were telling me to stop, that I just needed some rest. Then, I smashed into someone. I cried out, my arm. Oh the pain!
"Get away!" I yelled, trying to shake my good hand out of the person grasp. The nurses and doctors had caught up to me.
"We can take her from here, Prince Jackson," A doctor said. Jack? He was the one holding me? I stopped struggling and tears flowed out of my eyes.
"That's alright, I should like to talk to her," Jack answered. Jack held my hand firmly and led me outside, not saying a word. I wanted him to scream at me, to reprimand me for sneaking out, anything but the silence. Jack sat down on the expensive chair outside but I continued to stand. We just stayed there in silence.
"Well are you going to scream at me or not?" I asked, too ashamed to look at his eyes.
"No. I simply want you to explain why you snuck out, who shoot you, why'd they shot you and how did you fly and crash into me?" Jack said simply.
"I snuck outside to get some fresh air because I couldn't sleep..." I started. It was useless, I might as well tell him the truth. "Then I saw a figure creeping across the rooftops and go into my room so I followed him and he went to a secret passage that opens if you say the words, 'Alexa les monza'-"
"Go on," Jack simply said.
"Well then one of the guys went out to hunt and I started going back to the castle then the other guy saw me and shot me and then I push this button on my belt..." I looked at my clothes, I was in some weird dress thing.
"Where are my clothes?" I asked.
"Being examined. The chemicals used in some of the things you own are very difficult to understand," Jack said with no emotion.
"No! Those are my stuff! Tell them to give it back!" I yelled.
"Izzy, I don't know what you were doing with those stuff but you are obviously not meant to have them. I don't know where you got it or what you were doing with it-" Jack started but I cut him off,
"Jack! Don't you see? I am a spy it's my job to stop the villains! I need that stuff back!" I yelled.
"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" Jack yelled.
"Jack, I was scared, I didn't know how you would react if told you, I'd only know you for a month!" I tried to reason. Tears blurred my eyes again.
"Jack no! Please no," I cried.
"GUARDS!" Jack shouted. Two guards came rushing forward.
"Take her to her room," Jack spat, "and don't let her out unless there are ten guards with her and I give her permission. I want five of you outside her door, making sure she doesn't go out and five inside, making sure she doesn't climb out the window, UNDERSTOOD?!"
"Yes sir!" The guards said in unison.
"Jack, please don't treat me like I'm so...helpless!" I shouted, tears staining my cheeks. Jack turned his back on me and walked away. I held my head down, done. The guards stood behind me as I walked humbly to my room. What a disaster.

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