Chapter 13

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"Guards! Take Izzy some place safe." Jack commanded. Guards grabbed me by my arms tears formed behind my eyes, stinging and aching for release. I looked up at Jack, my face streaked with tears and my shoulders heaving with the great effort of the sobs.
"Jack no! I want to stay here! I can help! He's after me, Jack, not you!" I sobbed, the sob racked through my body, shaking me. Never had I been seen frightened and depressed as I was now. Jack would not look at my face. I elbowed a guard in the stomach, and ran to Jack. Three more guards came and took me away I was literally dragged to a secret room in the wall. One guard pressed his hand against a brick and the wall opened. The guards put me inside the room and left before I had even gotten to my feet. The wall closed, leaving me in complete darkness.
"NO!" I screamed. I banged helplessly against the door. I searched some place on my wedding gown for a gadget or something. I tore the ends of my dress off, I kept tripping over them. Something dinged on the floor. I searched on the ground blindly searched for the thing. My hands touched it and I saw it was in the outline of a pen. I smiled, this was no ordinary pen. I twisted it three times then pushed and held the button on top of the pen, and a laser came out of it. I aimed it carefully at the door. The door sizzled and was red hot with flames licking the surface. Once I had outlined the whole door with the laser, it simply fell to the ground. I ran into the ball room and found Jack face to face with 'the dark lord'.
"Where did you hide Izzy?" 'The dark lord' commanded.
"You will never find out." Jack hissed. I admired him for standing up for me and risking his life to keep me safe but this had gone to far.
"Will you leave him alone?" I blurted out. Both man looked at me in confusion. They both started talking at the same time, Jack reprimanding me for coming out and 'the dark lord' telling me all the terrible things I did to him that he would do to me.
"Enough!" My mother yelled. I had forgotten she was in here, with my father.
"Stop fighting like a bunch of ladies!" My mother scolded. I started at her in awe, I did not think she had it in her.
"You have no right to command me!" 'The dark lord' started charging to her with a sword, which was on fire, raised high in the air. My father steeped in front of her and pulled out an ice sword. I my father swung it at 'the dark lord' and the two swords clanged. The fire sword froze then broke into a thousand pieces. 'The dark lord' screamed and I ran at him and hit him to the ground and started punching him. Someone came up behind me and grabbed me. More of 'the dark lord's' followers flooded into the room.
"Calling all agents! 'Dark lord' attack!" My father yelled into his phone. I struggled against the man's grip and saw a glimpse of his face, it was Rob, from the cave. I brought my foot backward and kicked him in his shin. Rob moaned and clutched his shin, letting go of me. The other agents arrived and they outnumbered 'the dark lord's' followers. I saw Jack fighting off a man with his bare hands. I used my laser and pointed it at the man's foot. Jack smiled a deep smile of gratitude in my direction. I acknowledged it was a small nod. Everyone was engaged in combat. I admired my mother and father, even Jack who righted so bravely.
"Izzy." 'The dark lord' said. I turned around, startled. Without hesitating, I kicked him. 'The dark lord' groaned and punched me. I ducked it. I was prepared to kick him again when he caught my foot in mid air. I fell onto the hard ground. 'The dark lord' lifted his hand to punch me and I moved my head out of the way in the nick of time. I kicked his shin and he screamed and then I gained on him and kept punching until he passed out. I let out a sigh and fell back, everything went blurry and fuzzy.

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