"I'm really sorry. I only wanted to open da door. The book told me to say dis word and da door would open."

His breathing becomes heavy and I know he is about to cry.

I've been told to watch Merlin and I already make him cry within two minutes of seeing him? No. I won't allow it.

"Why were you trying to open the door? And where's Gaius?"

"GG went to bring drinks to people, he said. I really wanted to go see Artur. He left. He promised me pies."

"How about this. You and I can go down to the kitchen and see the cook herself. Then you can ask her for whatever you want, including pies."

His face lights up at my words. If I didn't think this was Merlin before, his smile definitely proofs it.


I nod my head.


"Just one thing."


"Promise me no more magic? I like your magic, but there are people around here who don't like it."

Merlin was lucky this time. I know when my father was healed, they almost executed me on the thought that I had magic. I can't imagine what they'd do to Merlin if somebody saw him preforming magic.

"Okay. Artur told me da same ting. And mother."

Wow. Merlin must've been living in fear since he was just a babe. Having to hold so many secrets for so long. And to have magic at such a young age.

Gwen, believe me, I'm not ordinary.

Maybe he has tried to tell me.

"And make sure to hide that book."

~Arthur's POV~~


I watch my father fold away a piece of paper into his pouch. Probably just a letter from a neighboring kingdom. I learned better than to ask questions when my father is not in the mood to talk about something.

"Arthur. I was not expecting you. What brings you by? Has there been news on your servant boy?"

Of course, his first thought would be if he could execute Merlin for possibly having magic.

"No father. Merlin is perfectly fine. I wish to speak to you on a different manner."

It's okay. Just say what you thought of.

"It concerns Morgana."

That name gets my father's attention. He looks towards the window with a stone face.

"What about her?"

"She, well I, when we-"

Dam it. I look down at my hand at the quickly written notes.

Coming back.




I have to get this story right to leave no room for questioning. I can't tell my father that Merlin was kidnapped and I snuck off to rescue him and while doing that, Merlin used his magic to destroy a castle, killing everybody in it.

"Spit it out, Arthur. I don't have all day."

"After we were attacked by the sorcerer, we began to head back to Camelot. On the way back, Morgana was spotted and we followed her to her castle. I didn't want to risk us coming back to Camelot while she planned her escape, so we attacked when we arrived there. She almost killed me and that's when my knights were able to overthrow her and her people."

Turning Back Time (Merlin)Where stories live. Discover now