At that time I did not understand, where we were going, how stupid I was at that time as I did not realize that that place was not just a place very far from Ninjago, we were going to another kingdom, a kingdom too far to escape or to enter it, a realm so far away that it could be called lost.

After months of traveling we got to that place very far from Ninjago, that's what Mom said, but later I discovered that this place was called the lost kingdom by outsiders, while the inhabitants of this kingdom called it the white kingdom, of course. It was another name I remembered according to the place, it was strange this place, because everyone had some part of their hair white, but only Mom, my brother and I had completely white hair, in that place an old woman, my mother I call her mom, I guess that was my grandmother.

When we introduced ourselves to my grandmother and then to the people of that kingdom, everyone began to celebrate;  but I still have my doubts about this place, everything was very strange, before arriving at this place we ran into a tribe that did not want to let us pass.

"That is in the past. Do they really still have a grudge against us ?!"

"Your people also hold a grudge against us," replied a May man.

"I wasn't in that war, you can't blame me for anything."

—Although you were not in that war, your people were and you are their representative, your hair gives you away, besides that you are that princess who was sent to another kingdom to protect you and now after so much time you return with your children that They will probably get the power that your family has.  Your people and your family are not welcome in this place.

"I wasn't in that war!"  I did not ask to be sent to another place, besides you started the war first and lost, for that reason you were banished from the white kingdom!

"Listen to me well, we will let you pass on the condition that your people or your family set foot in this place again, otherwise it will be paid for with death."

-Well!  Mr. shapeshifter- my mother said sarcastically in her words

I don't remember much of what happened afterwards, because at that time I was very sleepy ...

Weeks passed and we lived in this place the white kingdom or maybe it could be called home ...

Time passed, 3 years to be exact and I got used to this beautiful place, but in that time both good and bad things happened.

2 years ago my grandmother passed away and mother was left in charge of this place, my brother and Deiko spent it practicing with a sword every day.  Well I certainly expected, this is a warrior's village after all.

I practiced with my brother at the sword, with each passing day he became more skillful.  One of those days I went to an old library they called it the secret library, because according to rumors about this place, there is a secret in this library that no one has been able to decipher, it is said that the secret could be a cursed book or maybe just be rumors.  But I figured it out.

"You will go with Deiko, Ariadne and Eshina again, right?"

—Please little sister, do me this favor, yes?

-Why should I do it?  What will you give me in exchange

"If you don't do me this favor, I'll tell our mother that you broke the blue vase and then hid the pieces so she wouldn't find it."

"Well, well get out of here

—Thanks Azami !!

Right now I wish Harumi were with me, I don't know if my mother remembers her yet, she never talks about it.  My brother shudders at her when she is mentioned and Deiko always talks about her, maybe he's the only one who really cares about her ...

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