Chapter 4

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Guys, to everyone who voted and commented on the previous chapters, thank you so much. I really appreciate it.

Please continue to vote, comment and share this story. Your feedback will be most helpful in motivating me to continue.

Also for those none Jamaican readers, there are translations to some patios dialogues in bracket along with the astericks.



Alex POV

Today was just one of those long tiresome days. I've been running errands and doing business for the entire day and I was exhausted.

I can't tell the last time since this week that I got a good sleep. My entire weekend was busy right through to this week. To make matters worst, the earliest I've gone home since the week is around eleven pm.

Earlier today, I was in Negril along with my brother Raymond, meeting with a business associate. By the time we ended and we all came to a mutual understanding, it was around 4:47 pm. The drive from Negril back to Kingston took me nearly four full hours because of the bit of traffic. By the time I finally arrived back in Kingston it was already after eight.

I am tired and my body feels dirty from the long travel and busy day. Whenever, I spend the entire day away from home and even worst outside of Kingston, I always feel as if dirt fell on me. Something about the hot air, or being around a lot of people for an extended period usually has me feeling sweaty and dirty. I just want to go home but I have to make one last stop for the evening.

I almost forgot that I had promised to stop by my new restaurant. Ambrosial Restaurant and Bar opened two weeks ago and it was already a big hit. I had been so busy with other businesses that I only had a chance to stop by once in the first week that it was open.

As far as I could tell, the place was much more of a hotspot over a couple of weeks after opening. The manager Garth asked if I could stop by to see how things were running if everything was to my suiting. I had told him that I would stop by sometime this week just to briefly do a monitor of what was taking place.

Even though I was tired, I decided to still make a quick stop by since it was on the way. I have to pass the place before heading home so it makes sense just to pop on for about five minutes. Furthermore, the way my days sometimes get busy since lately, I may not find another time this week.

"Bredda, mi ago mek a turnoff and quick stop a di restaurant enu," I say to Raymond upon nearing the location. "Jus a mek a quick run thru, give di place a likkle once ova."

*(Brother, I'm going to make a quick stop at the restaurant okay.)*

*(Just going to take a quick run through and check up on the place/ give the place a little inspection)*

Raymond and I had traveled together to Negril in my car.  We are practically neighbors so as soon as I reach home, he would do.

"Yea, dat gud man." Raymond nods. "Myself did want come down here come see wa a gwaan. Hear seh di place a gwaan gud so far. All Marsha from Barbican a tell mi seh it av a buzz."

*(Yeah, that's alright. )*

*(Myself wanted to come down here to see what is going on. I heard that the place is doing well so far. Even Marsha from Barbican told me that it's a vibe/great)*

"Yuh know from long time seh from my name attached to anything it must have a buzz." I say with a cocky smirk before turning into the compound.

*(You know that from a long time ago that anything that my name is attached to, must be great)*

In Debt To A Jamaican Manजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें