Chapter 3

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Sabrina's POV

I just finished teaching another one of my grade nine classes, and I am literally drained. For a topic that I think should have been easy, that class took a lot out of me than I anticipated.

My class has been learning about animal and plant cells since last week. Today, when we were suppose to branch off into a new topic, I realized that majority of the students in this particular class did not know the difference between animal cells and plant cells, or their characteristics.

This was a shocker for me since we've been through the concept before. We had a class discussion about this, I explained it, I even gave notes and asked the students to list the differences in their books. Apparently, some students didn't. I had to go over the entire concept because there is no way I could move on when this many students were clueless.

I feel as if I have little to no energy left. I was just thankful for the little free period and couldn't wait for my last session of the day that was within the next hour.

"Lady, you look stress." My colleague and good friend Veronica says as she sits in her chair around her desk next to mine.

"Ver, I feel so burn out," I say to her while slouching a bit in my chair. "Today's classes depleted all of my energy. I basically had to re-teach an entire topic. After I thought the kids got it."

Veronica Lammy and I became friends nearly two years ago. We both started working at the school at the same time. Being the two new teachers and having our tables so close together in the staff room, we hit it off immediately. She was however a Mathematics teacher. And over the years I proved that she was a real one. I even introduced her to my best friend Kenisha and we would hang out from time to time.

"You know some of these students have zero interest in retaining any information they learned in class," Veronica says before hissing her teeth. "Sometimes, I'm tired of hearing 'Ms. Lammy, me don't understand' even after I explained the concept almost ten times already. Or what's worst is when I hear 'Ms. Lammy, me don't remember bout that'. Trust me, nothing pisses me off more. But what can we do? This is what we signed up for."

"Me just so glad, that the holidays coming up soon. It's almost time for revision then exams. The extra work will soon be cut down." I say resting my chin on my hand.

"I can't wait to be able to enjoy a good vacation." Veronica sighs wistfully. "Just want to enjoy a mini cruise with my man."

"Well, as you said before, holidays are coming up shortly you can get to live that dream. Just start making the plans now and let Shawn know to be prepared." I say to her with a chuckle.

"Girl, wishful thinking only." Veronica snickers. "I can't afford any cruise on our budget. Some of us still paying off student loans. Not all of us have rich man can spoil them enu girl."

"Wait, so a who have rich man?"
I raise a brow at her with an amused expression.

"Lady, you. Your man has money. You know that Michael doesn't have to feel for his money. The cruise lifestyle is your type of lifestyle right now." Ver laughs. "Your man can afford to carry you to resorts and hotels every second. Once in a while me and Shawn can afford that luxury."

"Most times we just go because of business." I say to her.

"Business or not, you know he can afford to take you." She says to me. "You getting the chance to live lavish. The complete hotel experience, plus you get time to relax and your daily dose of vitamin D on top of it, you can't ask for a better combination."

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