Chapter 2

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I hear the sound of my phone vibrating on the bedside table beside my bed, causing me to groan in annoyance as I open my eyes and lazily reach for the phone. Looking at the screen, I see Michael's name and immediately ignore the call. Even after the 10 missed calls and 13 unanswered messages, he's still calling?

Dis man must mad to backside.

I look at the time at the top of the phone and see that it is just 9:19 am- still a bit early to get up right now. I am exhausted after the long week I had.

I toss the phone on the other side of the bed before turning over and pulling the covers up over my shoulders. I hardly get time to sleep in with everything I normally have to do. Throughout the week, I usually have to get up by 6 am to get ready for work, then most weekends that's the time when I had to do lesson plans, reports, as well as cook and do every other work that I didn't get a chance to do throughout the week. Whenever I come to Portland I usually have more time to relax.

The sun glares through the windows, shining through the thin curtains and focusing right in my face causing me to wake up for the second time this morning. 

Why Mummy have up these thin piecess a curtain at the window man?

Stretching my arms out while letting out a small yawn, I reached for my phone and look at the time. It was still early- 11:05 am.

6 missed calls and 4 messages

I  decide to read through the nonsense that I know must be on my phone. 

' Babe, why are you ignoring me? Could you please answer your phone?'

'Please call me, back. I need to talk to you.' 

'Brina, for the 10th time, I'm sorry about the argument Thursday night.'

'Just let me know if you're good?'

I decide to send him back a short message.

'Mi good. Everything's good.'

I finally throw the sheets back and get out of the bed. I put my phone aside as I straighten the covers on the bed.

By the time I finish making the bed, I see my phone vibrating again.

Jesas! This man won't stop.

Michael is definitely persistent. That was how we started talking in the first place. After we met, he wouldn't stop hounding me until he got my number and I finally agreed to go out with him.

Michael is six years older than me. We met through my cousin Dionne, as they worked together in the past and became friends. Michael is an auditor at a company where Dionne worked a few years before she left and became the bursar at the high school.

Michael and I had been dating for over a year and a half, and if there was anything that I learned about him over time, is that he is relentless. If I don't answer the phone, he's not going to stop being a nuisance.

I take up the phone and swipe the screen before putting it to my ear.

"B, you hearing me?" Michael asks over the phone. 

"What you saying, Michael?" I roll my eyes.

"Why were you ignoring me?" He asks.

"I was sleeping."

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