The Boy

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Six always slept alone. Even before the transmission, before she lost her family, before she ended up in The Nest, she stayed alone. She built a wall around herself, keeping her emotions and secrets safe from the evil around her; her wall only grew once the transmission came. Sleep itself was childish to Six, you were openly making yourself vulnerable. Six was vulnerable, once. Once and only once.
She thought she found a friend at The Nest.
She was wrong, She was dead. Kindness is weakness, weakness is death. Friendships are born from kindness, sooner or later that friendship will lead to heartbreak. Six wouldn't make that same mistake again, never again.

Six drilled this message into her brain. It was the only thing she could do, that, and crank the music box in front of her. She was caught, kidnapped and trapped. She tried to escape, but every attempt was met with disappointment. Her escape was uncertain, Six could only hope that her kidnapper would take mercy on her pitiful life.
However, that changed very quickly. What happened? The boy arrived. With a crash, the barricade keeping her locked in was broken. Out of the rubble came the boy, a strange child who wore a bag. He freed her, for some unknown reason, then offered his hand to her; he offered his kindness to her. Six was quick to leave him in the dust. Unfortunately, the boy caught up with her. As they looked at each other, a silent agreement was made. All she had to do was escape, then she didn't have to see him ever again.

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