◖ What He Does When You Get Panic Attack ◗

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But this man won't stop there. Kento surprises you with a kiss on the back of your hand, then rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand gently. That physical contact alone manages to reduce your panic.

"Everyone experience this. Even me. So don't feel bad for feeling this way, sweetheart."

❃Satoru Gojo❃

Satoru may goof around a lot, but when it is a tensed situation, he himself will become serious. For example, during the time you get panic attack.

The strongest sorcerer will go get his candies and sweets stock to share them with you as he utters words of reassurance, making you realize the panic attack won't last long. He is surprisingly good at convincing you.

His willingness to share his sweets with you even though he is stingy doing it all the time touches your heart. That is why everytime he voluntarily gives you some of his premium sweets, you start to calm down. You realize how much this man care for you.

"It is alright! You are safe with me? Why? Because I'm the strongest!"

❃Junpei Yoshino❃

Junpei is also one of those people who frequently experiences panic attack while you are a bright person. So when you get one, he wastes no time to help you.

Junpei will put on your favourite movie on the tv and prepare your favourite snacks to munch on. He makes sure to increase the volume so you won't be bothered by your thoughts.

While watching movie, his hand won't stop caressing your hair as it helps you calm down. You end up snuggling on him to seek more comfort.

"I have experienced this too before so it is normal for you to have one too. It is unexpected but I know you can get through this, love..."


Mahito doesn't have any idea what the heck panic attack is. Once you suddenly get panic attack one day, he finally learns the meaning and the methods to deal with it.

You have a habit of biting your nails when you have panic attack so Mahito immediately grabs both your hands and intertwines his hands with yours.

The curse will smile at you sweetly and surprises you with a kiss on the lips when you lower down your guard. The kiss causes you to forget about the panic attack for a while.

"Panic attack must suck for human, right? But have no worries! I will make sure it stay away from you, baby!"

❃Suguru Geto❃

Ah, sweetheart Suguru. He is good with his words so of course he is great at comforting you.

Even if Suguru is busy, once he hears you have panic attack, he will leave his work behind to go help you. He will bring you to you two's shared bedroom and sit down on the bed.

Suguru lets you cry in his arms whilst listening to your worries. He will reassure you that there is nothing for you to fear of, as he is here for you.

"My darling, you aren't afraid of your surrounding, but it is your thoughts. It is fine, I will stay with you."

❃Noritoshi Kamo❃

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