Part one: bring it on🔥

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December 18, X783

"Why the hell would he go there?!"

"Not sure, you know he does stuff for no reason- where are you going?! You're supposed to be on bed rest!"

(Name) ignored the continuous calls of her name, instead sprinting toward Magnolia's bay in an attempt to help her comrades with the threat currently at hand. The chain wizard knew they could all handle themselves but still, she had a bone to pick with a certain someone, and she wasn't about to miss the opportunity to get vengeance.

(Name) manifested two chains into both of her hands, using them to lift herself up to a nearby window.

The window was surprisingly small, and as a result, the (hair color) mage had to kick down a wall. Once she had completed that, she sprinted down the hallway, attempting to listen for anything that would signal the fire dragon slayer was nearby.

Soon enough she approached a large door, immediately pushing it open to find the fire mage on the floor, incredibly beaten and almost completely exhausted while Gajeel remained relatively spotless.

"Sorry I took so long you guys!"

"(Name)! Take Lucy and Happy and get out of here!"

"Ooh sorry, but I gotta bone to pick with this guy, Whaddaya say brother? How bout I show you what a fight with an S-class mage looks like?"

The iron dragon slayer only smiled, composing himself and immediately charging toward the chain wizard. She rolled her eyes, jumping to the side and wrapping a chain around his foot.

(Name) dragged Gajeel toward her, dealing a serious amount of damage to the dragon slayer. The chain mage then kicked the raven haired male a few feet away, looking over her shoulder to see Lucy and one of her spirits.

Suddenly, (Name) felt herself rise from the ground, only to realize that her brother had lifted her up and was aiming to throw her into a wall. The (hair color) woman used the heel of her boot to kick the dragon slayer's stomach, resulting in him releasing her from his grip.

The two charged at each other, pushing and shoving one another in an attempt to make the other fall. (Name) looked over and noticed Natsu slowly crawling toward a fuel area of some sort, the s class mage used as much force as she could in order to shove the raven haired male into it.

Once she was successful, Lucy's spirit had released the arrow, creating an explosion which sent Gajeel flying onto the (hair color) female. She swiftly kicked the larger male off of her, slowly lifting herself up from the ground before charging toward him once again. Both the chain wizard and Natsu began to switch off each others attacks, and eventually ended up combing them.

Soon, the (hair color) wizard noticed both Happy and Lucy draining themselves of energy, (Name) instructed Natsu to stall for as long as possible while she dealt with the two of them.

"Chain enchantment: zipline!" She casted, a 500ft long chain connecting from the floating base down to the dock of Magnolia. The woman manifested a long chain, snapping it in half and creating handles for the zipline.

Once the two were safely on the dock (Name) returned her attention to the two males fighting behind her, only to find one while she felt something cold against the side of her neck.

"Hey buddy! Whaddaya think you're doin?!"

"Don't move pyro or ill do it."

"Let go of me you asshole!"

Natsu attempted to move, taking about one step forward before Gajeel threw (Name) onto the floor, transforming his leg into a blade and stomping just above her right hip. The wizard only screamed in pain, as a familiar metallic taste filled her mouth.

"Just leave her out of this!" Natsu screamed, Gajeel huffed, removing his leg and lifting up the female wizard my her hair, throwing her against a wall.

The woman stood up slowly, supporting herself with the wall beside her. She watched from a distance as the two fought, attempting to calculate when the best time to interfere would be.

From afar she noticed Gajeel preparing to shift his foot a bit, which would result in the fire mage seriously injuring and possibly disabling himself from the fight due to the large spike of stone mixed within a large pile of rubble.

(Name) manifested a chain into her hand, using it to pull the two dragon slayers toward her. From there she kicked Gajeel in the stomach, effectively moving him out of the way. Natsu looked down at the (hair color) girl, resting one of her arms around his neck as his own held her waist, acting as some sort of support beam.

"You alright?" The pink haired male asked, (Name) only nodded before beginning to cough into her free hand. Her vision began to blur and the sound of ringing ran through her ears, she looked down, watching as small drops of black and yellow fell onto some parts of the rubble before they suddenly disappeared, becoming a dark red.

"Sleep now, for this is not your time." A woman whispered, her tone was was comforting to the bleeding woman, surprisingly putting her to sleep quickly.

A fairy's retelling || (a fairy's tale rewrite) Natsu x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang