Part one: vandalized🔥

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December 16, X783

(Name) groaned as she heard a loud banging on her front door, the ringing in her ears preventing her from hearing whatever it was that the person on the other side was shouting.

She then rose from her bed hesitantly, putting on her shoes, shirt, and coat. She walked over to the door, opening it before Levy grabbed her hand tightly, dragging her out of the dormitories and toward the direction of the guildhall.

The (hair color) wizard groaned a bit more as the bluenette continued to drag her in her semi-drunken state. After a minute or so the chain wizard felt someone bump into her, hard. The two of them fell to the ground as (name) apologized, accepting the hand that was held out to her.

You see, (name) hadn't been paying attention as to who had helped her up. However, the familiar sound of his voice was enough to make her face become a feverish red.

"Whats the rush (nick name)?"

"O-oh Levy said something happened at the guilhall, I guess in her rush we hit eachother, sorry!"

"No problem- are- are you drunk?"

The (hair color) woman stepped back a bit, baffled at how easily he could've guessed. (Name) herself didn't even know if she was still drunk, she couldn't even recall what time she had come home that night.

Suddenly, in the midst of her surprise she felt her feet lift themselves from the ground. The next thing she knew the fire mage was carrying her, one of his hands underneath her thighs and the other holding her shoulder farthest from his chest. (Name) let out a huff in surprise before Natsu began to run, followed by the rest of their team who had just barely caught up.

Soon enough, the team arrived at the guildhall, staring in a mixture of shock and anger as they were met with the sight of large metallic poles sticking themselves out of the building.

(Name) released herself from Natsu's grip, continuing to stare as Mirajane led them into the basement.

Natsu shouted, declaring how he would beat the crap out of whoever was responsible. Normally, (name) would do one of two things in this situation; tell him to cut it out/ shut up or, she would accompany him. Although, this time she stayed silent. The remainder of the team looked at her in confusion, wondering to themselves if she was feeling alright.

After a minute or so, the team had appeared in front of master Makarov who was sitting drunkly on top of a cardboard box, the group began pleading with him for information. Master refused, stating that almost the entirety of the group had already gotten into too much trouble as is.

(Name) spoke up, asking the guild master for specifics which, he happily shared with her much to a certain dragon slayer's dismay.

"Well, i'm sure you're familiar with the guild phantom Lord. From their perspective we've been rivals for a rather long time, im not exactly sure what the reason was for such a destructive move. Thankfully, they did it while no one was here."

"Master, shouldn't we report this to the council?"

"Im afraid that isn't an option dear, for that would provoke phantom to start an all out war with us."

"What makes them so special?"

"Well, they have a top group of mages who are on par with our s-class called the elemental four. One of them I believe is also a dragon slayer like Natsu, however he is a iron dragon slayer. Do not engage them. No matter what."

The (hair color) woman nodded, thanking master for the information. (Name) left the guild hall, attempting to figure out why the dragon slayer of the element four seemed so familiar.

She lost her train of thought when her red headed friend grabbed her hand, dragging her somewhere.

"Woah! Where are we going?" (Name) questioned, the requip mage responded, explaining that it would be safer if they all remained in groups.

The chain mage accepted the explanation, following the redhead to their blonde friends apartment.

When the two arrived Lucy, Natsu, Happy, and Gray were already there, discussing Phantom Lord.

"Who the hell do they think they are attacking us like that?!" Natsu shouted, (name) shushed him gently to which he surprisingly complied. He continued to remain silent as the rest of the group spoke, until the sound of pebbles hitting the window interrupted.

All six of the group gazed out the window at the sight of their friend Levy, holding a letter while shouting for (Name). The (hair color) mage jumped out the window, retrieving the letter and glancing over it quickly while saying goodbye to her teammates, not before noticing a certain dragon slayer with an irritated face.

(Name) shrugged it off, waving goodbye to her friends as she made her way back to the guild hall. She then began to feel the familiarity of anxiety bubbling up in her stomach, with each step she took her breathing became more haste and her heart rate quickened.

Suddenly, a certain dragon slayer appeared in front of her, his face showing obvious concern with a bit of blush present.

"Natsu? Are you okay?"

"No, i know Gramps is gonna ask you to do some super important mission with phantom-"

"Natsu, i cant take you with me. It's way too dangerous for you-"

"Thats not it. Im worried about you, you keep over workin yourself. You've been gone all week and your goin away again! What if something happens-"

"Natsu, nothing is gonna happen. I promise, and even if it does, I trust that you'll be right there to help me. You and your weird sixth sense type shit"

Natsu sighed, grabbing the chain mage's shoulders, pulling her close before muttering a small 'be careful'. (Name) only smiled, waving him goodbye before making her way toward the guildhall, oblivious to the fact that Natsu continued to stare at her until she was out of sight.

Soon enough, she opened the doors of the guildhall, making her way into Master Makarovs office.

The guild was empty, not even Mirajane was there. It was oddly quiet, it was rare to ever see the guildhall completely empty. Normally Cana or Mira would still be there, Cana still drinking while Mira cleaned the bar. (Name) took in the silence, continuing to make her way to Master's office, knocking gently on the door before entering.

"Ah! There you are child, i assume you've received my letter?"

"Yes Master, what exactly is it you need?" (Name) asked, taking a seat in a wooden chair on the opposite side of the Master's desk.

"Well young (name), id like for you to infiltrate Phantom Lord's guild hall, look for any bit of information they may be of use to us at to why they began attacking."

"Of course Master, when would you like for me to leave?"

"Tomorrow, after to come to the guildhall. Pretend you are taking an s-class request and make your way there. Is that alright?"

"Yes Master, of course"

A fairy's retelling || (a fairy's tale rewrite) Natsu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now