Part one: daily life🔥

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December 15, X783

(Name) sighed as she carried her large backpack into the guildhall, kicking open the door and announcing her return. She was greeted by the shouts and cheers of her comrades as she walked over to Mirajane, immediately smacking her head against the bar table.

"Rough job?"

"Ugh, yeah... it took forever for me to find clues and stuff, those guys were good at covering their tracks"

"Maybe you should take a break for a bit? Don't take so many S-class requests so often"

"Maybe you're right-"

Suddenly the doors to the guildhall bursted open, revealing (name)'s two closest friends, a blonde celestial mage and a pink haired dragon slayer, along with their flying blue companion.

The three of them made their way to the (hair color) female, greeting her. (Name) smiled at the group, taking a swing of the beer Mirajane had served her while listening to the pink haired boy complain about jobs.

"Why can't you take me with you?! I wanna go on an S-class job!"

"You know I can't do that Natsu, besides the promotional exam is in three months, you should train ahead so you pass this year."

Natsu huffed at (Name)'s response, grumbling before taking bits and pieces of her food. (Name) rolled her eyes in amusement, turning to the blonde on her opposite side and chatting. The two talked about casual things, rent, jobs etc...

"We all haven't been on a job together in a while, we should do one soon!"

"We should! Sorry I've been so busy you guys, I'm trying to save up so that way I can pay my bills for when the exams- oh shit"

"You're going?!" Lucy exclaimed, (Name) laughed nervously before itching the back of her neck.

"I forgot I wasn't supposed to tell anyone..." she laughed, suddenly the woman felt weight shift on her back, turning only to be met by a familiar grin. (Name) blushed a bit before turning her attention back to Lucy, ignoring all the teasing that erupted from the blue cat beside them.

Eventually the sun began to go down, and both Gray and Erza approached the group, holding a request in hand.

"You comin with us (name)?"

"Yeah (nickname)! You should come with us!"

Erza stopped Natsu, explaining to the fire mage that the woman had been gone for almost a week and how she was most likely exhausted. (Name) smiled at the group, apologizing before swearing they would all do a group request once the team had returned.

Natsu smiled at the woman, holding her hands in excitement and promising they'd be back as soon as possible.

The group walked away from the bar, (name) following them until they were a few feet outside the guildhall.

"Be safe you guys! See you soon!" She shouted, the group waved her off before turning away.

"Oi! (Name)! Lets play another drinking game"

"Be right there Cana!" She shouted, running into the guildhall and toward her brunette friend.


Thanks to Levy's help, (Name) stumbled into her dorm drunkenly, opening up a large curtain that covered a series of papers, some connected by a piece of thread.

The woman hiccuped a bit, grabbing a few new papers from her bag and placing them onto her wall.

She stumbled to her bed, sitting and staring at her years worth of research. For the past decade she had been attempting to put together bits and pieces of  her past, gathering missing children's reports and attempting to find any record of her last name.

Of course she had the help of many of her friends, especially the help of a certain fire mage, who also happened to be searching for someone.

Over the years the two had grown close, close enough to where everyone around them had noticed quite a bit of tension rise in recent months.

(Name) soon became distracted by a small note left on her window, placing it on her nightstand for tomorrow. She began to toss and turn in annoyance as the pounding in her head began, gripping a fistful of her hair in response.

The woman sighed, taking off her boots and shirt, leaving her in nothing but her bottoms.

However, it seemed as if that had done nothing to help, the pounding continued, causing for the mage to groan aloud before covering her head entire with a blanket. And after what seemed like hours, it finally had stopped.

(Name) removed the cover off her head, her waist length (hair type) covering the entirety of her face, thin stands of hair obscuring her vision. But, from a few open spaces between the strands of her hair, the woman had spotted a shadow.

The woman shook her head in disbelief and turned her body toward the window beside her bed, closing her eyes and allowing for her to finally sleep.

A fairy's retelling || (a fairy's tale rewrite) Natsu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now