The beginning of our life: 31

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"I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling..." I let my head fall with the final line, tears pooling in my eyes. The crowd irrupted into applause, I could see some out of the corner of my eye stand up from their seats. Zayn, Liam, and Niall, emerging beside me. I smiled at the ground, taking a deep breath, finally looking at the crowd. 

We did a group bow, as I took one last look at the crowd, the crowd which never died down with the cheering and applause and it made me feel so good. It made my heart glow, people were clapping, and cheering, for me...for us. I smiled, fighting back my tears. 

That's when my heart stopped. I tightened my grip on Zayn's hand, my body stuck, frozen in place, my eyes stopped scanning the crowd, set on the man in the back of the cafe. 


He stood in the corner of the cafe, still, tears painted on his cheek. I could feel my heart practically ready to jump out of my chest, I felt defeated. He was there. He heard the songs. He heard my lyrics. The lyrics that were about him, and our private moments, he heard them. 

"Shit..." Zayn mumbled, I know he saw Louis because I could feel him tighten his grip on my hand. He quickly guided me off stage, but my eyes never left his for a second, until I reached the floor. People surrounded us, congratulating us, I tried my best to stay present, and thank everyone when I had the chance, I looked back at the corner and he was gone. 

I panicked scanning the cafe, but I couldn't find him. I could feel my breathing accelerate, sweat building on the palm of my hands. Everything around me went blurry, my ears ringing, everything in slow-motion, as I continued to scan the room. 

"Mate, are you okay?!" I was snapped back into real life, the sounds of music and chatter flowed through my ears, as everything went back to normal. I gripped Liam's shoulder, regaining my balance, taking deep breaths. 

"I need to get out of here, he's...Louis..he's-" 

"I need to leave-" I huffed pushing past everyone, pacing to the exit. I could hear them calling after me, as I walked outside. Clutching my stomach, I ran over to the back of the building,  beside a tree, hunching over, my insides shooting out of my body. 

I vomited, feeling everything inside me instantly feel better. I leaned against the tree with one hand, the other still holding my stomach, regaining my breath. I leaned back, leaning against the tree, resting my head, looking up at the sky. 

The stars were bright, the moon, full, glowing in the sky. The air was breezy, bit cold, but the feeling was so refreshing. I shut my eyes, breathing in the fresh air, helping me calm my nerves. 

"Are you okay?" Liam's voice said. I snapped my head towards him, giving him an apologetic smile. 

"I'm sorry..." I huffed, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. He smiled at me, walking closer. 

"It's okay Harry...but are you okay?" Liam asked. 

"I'm not...he ran away Liam," I huffed, tears pooling in my eyes. 

"God..and why am I crying! I'm so sick of crying!" I fumed, wiping away my tears. 

"I know...I know exactly how you feel," Liam said, placing his hand on my shoulder. 

"Could we...take a walk?" Liam asked. I agreed, walking side by side with him. 

"Did you know...Zayn and I broke up?" 

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