Recovery: 25

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A month. It's been a month. A month without the Styles, a month without smoking, or drinking. A month of no school, no work, no football, no music, no writing, no friends. I had completely isolated myself from anything I ever cared about. Laying in bed for a month straight.
I laid still, staring out the window across the room, feeling empty. I basked in my emotions for a month, and all I feel now was anger. Anger for the boy who I risked everything for, pure hatred.

I hate Harry Styles. More than I've ever hated someone.


"Go away!"  I shouted, not wanting to deal with her at this time of morning.


"Lottie please!"  I groaned.

Lottie walked into the room with an annoyed look on her face.

"We need to talk," Lottie spoke, closing the door behind her.

She sat on the edge of the bed giving me a comforting smile, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want to talk.." I said sternly, returning my eyes to the window.

"What happened to you?'ve been here a month Louis, and nothings changed, please can you just tell me what happened.."  Lottie begged.

"Don't Lottie, please..just don't."

I rolled out of bed, throwing on some sweatpants, looking at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit.

"I'm worried about you..."  Lottie said, walking up behind me.

"Well don't be, I'm fine," I spat, rummaging through my suitcase.

"You need to go home, Louis..."

"What? You're kicking me out?!"  I shrieked, looking over at her.

"No! It's just that you are still in school, and you're suppose to be graduating this year! You've been in the city for a month, I know nothing about your school life or if you even have any friends!"

"You just showed up at my doorstep, now I've tried to be understanding, but this isn't you, you need to talk to me, if not me then anyone!" Lottie shouted, walking over to stand in front of me.

"Just talk to someone, please if you don't...I will call him."

"You wouldn't..." I shot back, sending daggers through my eyes.

"Oh but I will, and knowing him, he will come down and check on you, you might hate him but he is your father."

"Oh please, that bastard is anything but a father!"

"Louis!"  Lottie shouted, cutting my words off.

"Fine! If I call someone from home and invite them over, will you lay off!"

"Yes,"  Lottie spoke, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"I'm heading to work, just...go out or something? See the city, you've been stuck in this dusty room for an entire month, treat yourself, credit card is on the counter."  She said, walking out of the room.

I sighed, hearing the door shut. I walked over to my suitcase, searching through the pockets. In the left pocket laid my phone, untouched since I arrived.

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