Deny Him: 18

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I got home, seeing Louis' car in the driveway making my stomach flip. The garage was closed so that meant Mum and Gemma were home. I sat in my car, my mind running over every reason why I shouldn't walk through that door. I grunted, turning off my car, making my way to the front door.

I inhaled a deep breath before unlocking the door, stepping inside. I walked inside instantly being hit with the smell of food.

"Hey sweetheart, how was school!"  Mum asked, looking over at me. I smiled, walking over to her, where she stood in front of the stove cooking. She was still in her scrubs. I placed myself behind her, gripping her shoulders with both hands, kissing her on the cheek.

"As good as it could be,"  I chuckled, opening the fridge door.

"Where's Gemma?"  I asked, running my eyes over every item inside my fridge.

"She's actually out with friends, I just came home, but I'm still on call-"

I shut the fridge door, looking over to her, as she held a guilty look on her face.

"Mum you just got home, you haven't even been here for two days,"  I said, leaning against the fridge door. She turned off the stove, sliding the pan to the side.

"Well honey...I am a surgeon, which means-"

"Saving lives, yeah I get it, mum,"  I said, in an annoyed voice. She walked over to me, gripping my arm, staring up at me with loving eyes.

"I'm sorry...I know I'm never here..."

"Mum stop, it's okay... I just miss you,"  I reassured her, pulling her into a hug.

She pulled away, tucking my curls behind my ear, holding my face in her hand. She smiled, patting my cheek, in a matter of seconds, her pager went off. She looked at me with an upset look on her face.

"It's okay mum, go save lives,"  I encouraged her, walking over to the stove.

"That's for Louis, he said he was craving some of his mom's spaghetti so, I thought I'd give it a try, let him know will you?"  She asked, throwing her purse over her shoulder, putting her shoes on.

I gulped at the sound of his name. At least now, I had a reason to talk to him.

"Will do, be safe!"  I shouted as she walked out the door.

Time to get this over with.

I made my way up the stairs and into my room. I changed into a more comfortable outfit, as I would be leaving for Zayn's in a few hours. I threw on a black hoodie, with some black joggers.

I made my way to Louis' door, I stood in front of the door, hand hovering over the wood. I heard voices coming from the room. I leaned my ear onto the door hearing Louis' voice, and the voice of someone else.

I hesitantly knocked on the door, my curiosity taking over me. I stood there, waiting, hearing footsteps. After a minute the door was swung open, Louis stood in the door, shirtless in just sweatpants. His bare torso filled with purple marks, his jawline red and swollen. I swallowed taking in the sight of him.

"Who is it Louis?!"  A female voice called from the bedroom. My face grew bright red, peering over his shoulder, a girl laid in his bed, in only her undergarments. I pressed my lips together, my heart dropping when she walked up behind him.

"Wow...okay um I'll come back later I guess, or...never,"  I huffed, turning my back on him. He seriously had a girl in the same bed he had me in last night. It was only a few hours ago that I too had laid in those sheets.

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