Pretty Boys: 28

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I walked into the cafe, memorizing Zayn and Liam's order in my head, as I walked up to the cashier, already knowing Alex's order.

They all decided to wait inside the car, being lazy fucks and sending me in to get the damn coffee. We had left the apartment around 6 am wanting to get here early, and settle in, chill before going to the party. Who knew I could wake up at 6 am!

"Hi, welcome to beach-wood cafe what can I get for you?"

"Hi, I'll just do a medium cold brew, a large iced coffee, a medium matcha, along with a normal hot coffee please."

"Is that all today?"

"Yes thank you."

"That'll be 30.24"

I pulled out my wallet, taking out change, only for a very familiar voice to say,

"It's on me."

I turned around, facing the person, with a familiar voice. I smiled instantly seeing Luke stand in front of me. I watched as he handed the change to the cashier, offering a soft smile.

"Luke!" I screeched, wrapping my arms around his back. I held onto him, tapping his back, smiling, feeling content being in the arms of my old friend.

"When did you get back into town?" I asked, pulling away from his grip. We walked over to a table in the corner of the cafe, my eyes catching a flyer stamped onto the wall. I sat down across from Luke, not giving the flyer a second look.

"Just got in today actually," Luke said. His voice seemed familiar, yet not as I remembered. It was more deep and raspy, not only his voice changed but him as a person. He wore black jeans, a normal tee, had a bit of a stubble going on, his hair a bit shorter since I had last seen him. Bummer, I was a sucker for long hair.

"Wow really? I actually just got back into town as well, I left for a little while, went soul searching. Now I'm just here to give this place a final goodbye," I rambled, feeling like I could still talk to him.

"Soul searching?" Luke teased. His eyebrows were raised, eyes widened, as he shook his head side to side.

"Yeah, I went soul searching too once."

"Mind me asking what happened?" I asked curiously.

"I realized she was the only thing keeping me alive, and that leaving wouldn't solve anything, and then I married her."

My eyes widened, trailing down to his left hand, which did in fact have a ring. A gold band laid on his ring finger, along with an initial of the letter, 'M.'

"Oh," I chuckled, cheeks flushing red.

"I'm guessing, you got out of a bad relationship, needed to figure yourself out, but in reality, you just always keep running back to her?"

I gulped, cringing at the word, "her."


"I'm sorry?"

"Her is a him," I said, avoiding eye contact.



"Wow, that'"

"Kind of amazing, and makes a lot of sense," Luke spoke.

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