Dean stared at the picture in silence for a couple of minutes. The heart fluttering memories took him back to the days where he had no worries about dangers neither the sick thought of hurting others. He wished he could continue to live that life at that moment forever. He would have sacrificed everything to just be able to live in that same event for one last time if only he was not the leader of the clan. Everything in his head had become fiction. To live with his loved one without losing his people was impossible.

I rather get hurt... at least, it is just me. I can't let hundreds of my men and their family get killed by other mafias. Losing one person in my life is better than having hundreds of people lose their everything... This is the wisest decision, right? Someone, please tell me... I felt so lost. Would you let go of your loved one or the family that you grew up with? To me, it is tearing me apart to have to force myself to pick one...

He wiped his wet eyes with the back of his right hand when his gaze was too watery. Slowly, he brought his phone closer to his hard chest, wishing that he would be able to hug Giselle in reality. He bit his lower lip hard when he heard his sobbing voice escaped his mouth lowly.

Dean dropped his back onto the bed carelessly before gradually curled his legs up. His eyes shifted to stare across the huge mattress blankly. The image of his first night with Giselle suddenly flashed instantly inside his head. He remembered clearly how cruel he was that night towards her. He was no different than his father. The revenge and grudge that he held caused blindness within his heart. Instead of listening to her, he let his hatred blindfolded him. Dean felt his heartache when the image of him taking advantage of Giselle reoccured within his head.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered underneath his breath in an apologetic tone. He stretched one of his arms across the bed, then lightly running his fingers over the area where he made his unforgiven mistake. "It must've hurt a lot... I've hurt you too many times, haven't I?" His raspy voice came out weakly.

I hope those bad memories are no longer staying with you... Perhaps they can also be the reasons to encouraged you to walk away just like how you did earlier too...

Dean thought, feeling regret almost about everything. He swallowed hard before wiping the drops of tear at the corner of his eyes again.

As soon as the sun rises in the morning, the ringtone of Dean's phone echoed the entire bedroom. His eyes shot wide open to look at the ceiling above him before he hurried to sit up. He turned his head and body around on the bed several times until he located his phone. His warm sleepy gaze switched to icy and wide awake the second that he noticed the name on the small screen.

Without any longer hesitation, he swiped his thumb across the screen and then brought it to his ear. "Boss, we are in big trouble! You should watch the news now."

Dean tossed the blanket aside as he hurried to get on his feet. His eyes drifted across the room, searching for a TV remote. He ran his fingers through his thick silky hair briefly, trying to gather his thought together. After a few seconds, he circled the bed to make his way towards the other nightstand. He pulled the drawer open and then grabbed a black remote out. Without hesitation, he lifted it to point at the television and then pressed the red button to turn it on.

The video clip of men in blacks being handcuffed by police caused Dean to hold his breath for a second. His eyes became narrow as they carefully observed the faces of those familiar men. He puts his call on the speaker and then questioned abruptly. "Why the fuck are they getting caught by those officers?"

"Boss, it's our fault. Our new drugs came in last night at the port. Usually, Mr. Kevinskey's men would be there to clear out the way for us. For some reason, this time he did not cooperate with us. I think the gift that you sent to him is probably pissed him off quite a lot."

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