Chapter 4 (Draco/Hermione)

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Immediately upon entering the Great Hall on Malfoy's arm, all eyes turned toward them. She was slightly uncomfortable with how revealing her dress was, but Ginny convinced her to go "outside her comfort zone" for one night. Malfoy seemed unfazed by the staring and held his head high, leading her towards the table with punch and appetizers. 

There was a familiar scent wafting towards her from the punch that made her frown. She eyed Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas suspiciously who were quietly talking nearby, stuffing an object back into their dress robes.

"It's not poison," whispered Draco, his lips lightly touching her ear. "Most here are of age."

She pursed her lips, still considering on vanishing the punch altogether. 

"Hermione, you look gorgeous!" yelled Ginny, dragging Harry in tow towards them. 

Ginny was wearing a blue sequined mermaid gown, her hair pinned back intricately. Harry wore black dress robes and a blue mask.

Harry blinked several times at her, his mouth slightly agape. "Hermione?"

"I helped pick her dress," explained Ginny with a smile. "Didn't I say it would look lovely?"

"You did," Hermione agreed, trying to not fidget under their scrutiny. 

"Here I am, expecting a bookworm on my arm, and instead found a Veela," teased Malfoy, causing Hermione to blush and Harry to stare as if Malfoy had sprouted two heads. 

Ginny was unfazed and grinned at Malfoy. "I do have an eye for fashion." 

"The blue does suit you, Weaselette," said Malfoy politely, looking over her gown. 

"Thanks!" said Ginny warmly with a smile. "Let's go dance, Harry."

"Er - okay," said Harry, who looked extremely uncomfortable with the polite small talk. "See you later, Hermione... Malfoy..."

Hermione nibbled on a biscuit nervously as she caught many students staring at her, but it seemed like everyone was having a good time. Malfoy was talking to Blaise a few feet away in whispers.  

"Hermione, blimey, is that you?"

She turned around and saw Ron in his black dress robes sporting a yellow mask with Lavender Brown on his arm. She was wearing a large yellow ball gown and reminded Hermione of the Muggle princess, Belle.

"You look wonderful, Lavender," she said politely.

Lavender pursed her lips, glancing at Ron's slacked jaw with it being confirmed the witch in the green dress was indeed Hermione Granger.

"Thank you," she said stiffly. "And you look..." she trailed off, her lips pursed again.

"Gorgeous, yes?" Malfoy appeared at her side just then with an arm around her waist.

Ron's face turned tomato red as he realized who Hermione's date for the ball was.

"You came with Malfoy?" asked Ron quietly.

"I'm right here you know," Malfoy drawled, suddenly pulling Hermione even closer to his side causing her to also be blushing. "Any complaints can be forwarded to the Headmistress, Weasley."

Malfoy turned to her, ignoring the two Gryffindors. "Would you like to dance, Granger?"  

Hermione looked at him confused when he led her to the dance floor before she could even reply. "Only if you want... we don't have to if you're trying to salvage a Mudblood-free reputation."

He didn't reply and pulled her around to be in front of him, keeping his arm around her waist, and gently placed one of her hands on his shoulder and the other into his hand. 

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