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It was finally Monday and we were suppose to go to court for Adrian and Zoey to say i was pissed off was an understatement. We pulled up to the court house then walked into room.

We sat at the benches while two officers bring Zoey and Adrian out .


When i saw him come out i just wanted to kill everyone and take my mate with me , he was wearing black jeans and a now white dirty shirt his hair was all over his head and he looked tired "all rise this court is now in session" the judge came and she sat down then looked over some papers .

The lawyer we got for Adrian and Zoey walked over to them and whispered "take a seat" in their ear


"Adrian Delarosa please stand" i stood up next to my lawyer nervous as ever i didn't want to go back to the hell whole I've been there for four days "you do know that you have put other people's life's in danger driving drunk right" the judge asked "yes ma'am" i said and she nodded "but since this is your first case i will let you off easily you will have a DUI and your bond is seven hundred you'll also have to do community service for five days to get your DUI off your name"

I sighed in relief then sat down now it was zoey's turn "Zoey Columbus please stand"


I stood up , i can't believe i had to stay in such a dirty place i just wanted to go home "ms.Columbus i have a question before i began" the judge said and i nodded for her to continue "what were you thinking when you were hanging out of a moving vehicle mr.Delarosa was going one hundred twenty " i sighed then looked back

Antonio and Jacob looked pissed "i have no idea ma'am i was intoxicated" i stated truthfully "you'll also be doing community service with Mr.Delarosa but i will give you ten days to get your DUI off since what you did was dangerous your bond will be seven hundred"

I sighed but when i looked back at the guys i wanted the ground to swallow me whole "also both of your community service will start next Monday you are dismissed"


The ride was silent all the way to the mansion i can tell Cast and Ryker was pissed at me.

As soon as we walked into the mansion Ryker cut the silence "what the fuck has gotten into you" he yelled and i put my head down "i don't know" i mumbled "do you know how dangerous it is to drive drunk" Casper yelled and i felt like a kid getting scolded by their parents

"I'm sorry i don't have an excuse" i mumbled then started playing with my fingers then Cast made me look up at him "that was very fucking stupid Adrian that accident could've been worse then you took my Mercedes without even asking and when the fuck do you ever drink or even go to a fucking club for that matter huh" he grabbed my chin harshly and i felt tears coming down my face

"Talk now" Ryker demanded and i cried  "i-I'm—-sorry i- crashed- the car i didn't mean to- i had -let Zoey talk me —— into drinking and we drunk to much-and didn't have no other ride home-" , i was fucking whimpering like a little kid while they stood in front of me

"Don't fucking cry now you weren't crying when you was doing dumb shit" Cast yelled and i wiped my face "go to the room now" i didn't hesitate when i got into the playroom i cried some more i didn't like them yelling at me and i didn't want a hardcore punishment.


I was beyond pissed he just doesn't know what could have happened many people in this world had died from driving drunk and he just did it without even thinking, i didn't even give a fuck about about the car and Ryker didn't even care about the bond money it was just the fact that he put himself in danger.

Ryker had to go into the office and left me to punish Adrian i was pissed and i wanted him to know that.

I stormed upstairs and into the playroom to see him still crying with his head down , i wanted to hug him and tell him it's fine but it's not he needs to know what he did wasn't acceptable

I walked over to him then grabbed him harshly by the chin i stuck my tongue into his mouth but pulled back when i sniffed he looked at me weirdly when i sniffed his shirt "why the fuck do you smell like cheap ass man cologne" i asked him the smell was faint but i could still smell it "uh
-um-a-at" i grabbed his neck "stop fucking shuddering and tell me what happened"

"A g-guy name Michael kissed me when we was at the club and i pushed him then he said he was a friend of yours" i growled loudly and he jumped back "put on clothes now"



Casper was driving fast while i sat on his lap i was nervous and he was pissed i could tell by how hard he was gripping the steering wheel and how he kept letting out growls .

We were on the other side of town .

We pulled in a driveway of a brown brick house Cast got out of the car quickly pulling me along with him he knocked on the door and my eyes widen when i saw Michael he was about to speak but cast was already pounding his face

A women screamed and cast yelled for her to leave and she did so immediately "you fucking touched my mate" Cast yelled as he held Michael up to the wall there was no way i could stop him he was going to kill him "he's mine" Cast stated and Michael started to laugh

"You say that as if you own him" Michael stated and cast chuckled "because i fucking do , everything on his body is mines" Casper growled and Michael looked at me "Adrian are you okay with being owned" i blushed then Cast punched him across the face "don't talk to him i swear i should fucking kill you right now only reason i won't is because Adrian is watching"

Casper started pounding his face again and Michael was out cold When cast faced me his eyes was glowing red and he growled then grabbed me kissed me hardly .

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