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Me and Zoey was currently taking a walk in the park a lot of things has been happening lately . About three days ago Josh had attacked me and left a purple bruise on my arm , I've been wearing long sleeves , your probably wondering why i haven't told Casper nor Ryker that's because at the time he had Casper surrounded without him knowing and i wasn't about to get him hurt .

I took a bad beaten from him the day before yesterday when he tried to attack Zoey ,  i couldn't go back to the mansion because Ryker would have noticed so i told him i was staying with Zoey "We have to tell someone Adrian" Zoey started bringing me out of my thoughts.

i would have been told someone but I'm afraid he would have something happen to Ryker or Cast and i don't want them hurt because of me . "I can't" i told her she sighed "we have to , what are you going to do continue to let him harm you" she was right but i just didn't know what to do .

I wasn't strong enough he was a wolf I was human i couldn't even go toe to toe with him and when i tried it didn't work out "Ryker keeps calling" Zoey said as she put her phone back inside of her pocket "how does my face look" i asked her she analyzed my face "it's fine but i may have to apply some makeup under your eye"

Zoey had finished putting makeup under my eye and i was currently on the way back to the mansion Jacob was driving and the car ride was silent "wassup with you" he asked i shrugged "nothing just tired" he nodded not wanting to bother me more .

We pulled up to the mansion and before i got out Jake grabbed my wrist "are you sure your ok" he asked i laughed slightly "of course I am" he nodded then ruffled my hair .

i walked inside of the mansion to see Ryker and Casper sitting on the couch they was already looking at me while i was looking everywhere else "what's wrong with you" Casper stated as he stood up i backed back "uh nothing just tired" i told him he nodded then just stared at me "what the fuck is that" Ryker asked

i raised a brow "what's what" he walked closer to me then when he touched by my eye i moved out of his grip "what the fuck happened to your eye" he almost yelled i flinched "um. N.nothing" i told him he came closer then wiped off the makeup i sighed "what happened" Casper asked as he growled loudly making me flinch

"we were playing around and i got elbowed" i heard Casper growl again "what have we told you about lying" Casper gritted out "I'm not lying" i told them then walked away i didn't want to have the conversation.

"We're not done Adrian" Ryker said as he followed behind me , i opened the room door then fell right on the bed i groaned "Adrian stand up now" Ryker half yelled and i did just that when he touched my arm i winched

And he looked at me with a raised brow "take off your shirt" Casper asked and i shook my head no "'s cold" i told him he glared at me "I'll warm you up , take it off now Adrian" i sighed then did so and Ryker grabbed my arm

And his eyes widen "how the fuck did you get this" he was pissed and i kept hearing Casper growl lowly "" i mentality smacked myself as usual for stumbling over my words "go ahead in lie so you can see what liars get" Ryker stated "now who did it"

"Don't make me tell you" i mumbled .


I so desperately held my wolf in , the way those bruises looked had me holding multiple growls "Don't make me tell you" he mumbled and i saw a tear slip from his eye i couldn't stop myself from growling "just tell us" Ryker stated calmly while i on the other hand was trying to control myself , My inner wolf begging to come out "i can't ok i just can't" he said and i walked closer to him putting his head in my chest

I sniffed him and smelt Jacob scent all over him i clenched my fist "shh baby it's ok" i told him as i kissed his head "I'll be back" i told them then walked out it had to be him I smell him , once i was out the door i took off my clothes and shifted to my wolf

Once i arrived to Jacob house I wasted no time kicking in the door "what the fuck Cast" Jacob stated without talking i punched him square in the face he fell and i got on top of him then punched him again "what the fuck did you do to him huh" i yelled as i grabbed his collar "do to who" he asked covering himself "to Adrian he has bruises on him what the fuck did you do i smell your scent on him"

He pushed me off of him "what are you talking about i would never hurt him and the reason you smell my scent is because i dropped him off at the mansion" Zoey came down stairs wide eyes and ran to Jacob "Casper what the hell" she yelled at me as she analyzed his now bruised face "sorry i thought he was the one who hurt Adrian"

Her eyes widen "o.o.oh ok" i raised a brow at her now nervous state "what do you know" i gritted out she gulped "n.n.nothing" she stated then started playing with her hair "tell me what the fuck happened" i yelled and she flinched "I can't tell you or else he would try to hurt you or Ryker and Adrian doesn't want that so i can't tell" she yelled back and i just stared at her

"Tell me a name" she shook her head then started crying "I.I.I can't .he.he w.would hurt one of you" she cried out and and i sighed "he.h. He had s.surrounded.the.the other day and.and.and said h.he would hurt you i.if Adrian d.didn't let him kiss him"

i growled then whimpered why the fuck was he trying to protect me i stormed out of the house then turned into my wolf i growled loud then started running towards the mansion .

When i got back Ryker already had clothes for me at the door i slipped then on then walked into the house , i couldn't stop myself from whimpering "he won't tell me" Ryker stated and i sighed "neither will Zoey she said someone had me surrounded and if Adrian didn't kiss him he would have killed me some shit like that but why is he trying to protect me when he's the fucking human"

I was pissed at Adrian he would Risk himself getting hurt just so i wouldn't i wish he didn't do that , He should have just ran and i could have handled whatever was coming my way . "Their is a familiar scent on him but i can't get a hint on who's it is but I've smelt it before"

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