Chapter 3 (Hermione)

Start from the beginning

"I hate dancing," moaned Ron, looking glum. 

Harry nodded in agreeance, but stopped when Ginny gave him a look. 

Hermione bit her lip. "There's still so much planning to be done. I don't know if we'll have everything ready!" she fretted, wringing her hands. 

"Relax Hermione," said Ginny with a grin, leaning against Harry's chest. "Or you'll be sprouting white hairs and looking like Dumbledore by Christmas."

After another hour of helping Harry and Ron with their essays, she returned back to her common room with a small smile. She couldn't believe her luck at how well this year was going so far. She still had her friends, a private common room and dormitory to study in, and was even making peace with Malfoy. Her classes were challenging, but that was to be expected. 

She was half-way to her room, when she heard the soft mutterings by the fireplace. Curious, Hermione made her way over to find Malfoy sleeping on the couch, an open Potions textbook on the floor. He looked less like a git when he slept, if not a bit handsome.  

Hermione went up to his dormitory, noting how neat and clean he kept his room, and grabbed his comforter. She lightly placed the green blanket on top of him and noted the purple shadows under his eyes again with worry. 

She just turned when there was a whimper in his Malfoy's sleep. 


Hermione bit her lip, feeling intrusive, but having her theory confirmed. Nightmares seemed to plague Malfoy's sleep. 

"I don't want... it hurts..."

She chewed on the inside of her cheek, unsure what to do. Would he want to be awoken from a nightmare? 

Another innocent whimper escaping his lips resolved her decision. She knelt down and gently shook his shoulder. "Malfoy...wake up..."


Hermione's heart ached for him and she shook his shoulder harder. 

"Malfoy...Draco...wake up!"

Before she could pull away, his own hand shot out and tightly grabbed her wrist. He sat up, breathing heavily and blinking slowly, wiping a sheen of sweat from his brow. 

"What..." He looked down and saw he was holding her wrist and let go as if scalded.

"You were talking in your sleep," Hermione murmured, looking apprehensive now with her decision. "It sounded like a nightmare."

He wiped his eyes and she was surprised to see there were unshed tears.

"Must've fallen asleep," he mused looking down at his textbook, then at his comforter, before staring at her. "It's a shame I fell asleep with my shirt on innit, Granger?"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head with a smile. "Good night, Malfoy."

"Wait - "

She turned around with her eyebrows scrunched together at the pleadingv tone in his voice. 

"Can...Can you sit with me for a little longer?"

She tilted her head, not used to seeing the confident Slytherin looking unsure of himself. 

"Sure, Malfoy."

She carefully sat on the couch, leaving a few feet between them. "Have you asked Madame Pomfrey for a sleeping draught? It helped with my nightmares a few years ago."

"I deserve the nightmares."

He wasn't looking at her, but into the soft burning embers of the fireplace. 

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