(OLD) Chapter 11:

Start from the beginning

"The green ninja is the grandson of the man who created Ninjago, now that's something."

Neuro muttered to himself.

"Does that mean he's part god, like a demigod?!"

Ash questioned.

"Guys, guys, I don't know much more than you. He doesn't like talking about it since he thinks people will treat him differently."

"Well, no shit!"

Griffin exclaimed. Skylar sighed.

"I guess I'm not surprised you guys are making a huge deal about this, I was the same way when Lloyd told me. Just don't go around telling everybody or tell him that I told you. He might kill you just for that."

Ash, Griffin, Mr. Pale, and Neuro's faces paled until they realized Skylar was joking. She snickered as they let out a sigh of relief.

"Alright, but seriously don't tell anybody."

"Well, it's not like I got anybody to tell who'd believe me."

Ash said.

"What a surprise."

Neuro muttered.

"What was that?"


"No, go on. What'd you say?"

"Yo, guys, let's chill! Us butting heads with each other right now isn't the best time. We gotta keep cool."

Skylar and Mr. Pale nodded their heads in agreement. Ash and Neuro glared at each other for a moment, before turning back to Skylar.

"Well, what should we do now?"

Skylar turned to the damaged tea pot and slowly picked it up, tracing the cracks.

"Protect the bunkers and the people inside for now. It seems those things made Ninjago City their base and won't be leaving anytime soon. Gather as much information as we can too, and avoid any confrontation with them. Sound good?"

The others nodded.

"Alright then, let's get to work."


"I miss showers, I need one so badly!"

Jay whined, running a hand through his stringy hair.

"I can hose you down with water, would that help?"

"Actually, yes. Hit me."

Jay lowered his head so his hair was directly in front of Nya. She lifted up her hand and began spraying him.

"Ooh, me too!"

Kai chimed in. Garmadon, Wu, and Ronin rolled their eyes as Kai was sent flying back with Nya overdoing her spraying, with Jay and Cole laughing their asses off in the background. Nya ran after him apologizing over again, before beginning to be chased by her own brother, who's damp hair lay limp like a sheepdogs over his eyes.

"Alright, alright, calm down pupils, let's start getting ready. We have a long day of traveling ahead of us."

"Yes, Sensei!"

The group made their way down to the beach with the spare items they had to help them make the trip to Zane's fathers light house.

"Hey, dumbass, you sure you're gonna be good getting us to the lighthouse? It's pretty far."

"Course, stupid. You saw what I did with the ferry boat, I'm pretty strong now."

Nya flexed her arms at her brother who snorted.

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