(OLD) Chapter 3:

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(Thank you to everyone who has read the last two stories and voted on it, it really helps motivate me :). I know there's not much talking at the beginning, but there will be more as the story goes on!)

Third limited (Kai):
The Bounty skidded to a rough stop just outside of the vast and crowded city, nearly ramming the bowsprit into one of the looming buildings. Ronin set the board down with a grunt, letting the people off. The police and the chief met them on the boundaries of the city, the ninja letting them know before hand what had happened. They were secretly glad that they weren't attacked and instead Stiix, the construction workers were just finishing the repairs from the last disaster. Nya and Zane were inspecting the damages done to the engine, which had long and deep gashes in it, with traces of electricity sparkling out of it. Nya let out an annoyed sigh.

"And I JUST got her fixed up. You get banged up too much, huh old girl?"

Nya gently patted the torn engine.

"Nya, are you seriously talking to the ship like it's a pet?"

Kai said, resting his arms on the railing, and raising his scarred eyebrow.

"Yes, I am Kai. Poor baby is brand new and one of her engines is already messed up. It'll be a bit before I can fix the gashes."

Kai chuckled, and turned his head towards Jay and Cole who walked up to Kai, mimicking his posture and resting their arms on the railings. The hot headed ninja glanced at Wu, Misako, and Garmadon who were helping the police. Morro was resting on the side of the ship, glaring at nothing in particular. At least he wasn't invisible anymore. Though, he should be, based on the scalding looks he was being given from the civilians who recognized him from the battle. He turned back towards Jay who began to speak in his nervous and quick voice.

"What are we gonna do about the creature we left in the middle of the desert? It's got WINGS now. And our elemental powers are useless against it?? Well, not Morro's and Nya's we haven't tried, but STILL. If we confront it again, Nya can't fight it by herself."

Nya set her hand on her hip, looking up at Jay with an annoyed expression.

"Who said I can't fight it by myself? I literally just defeated the embodiment of the cursed realm in one hit."

Zane sucked in a breath, opening his mouth to say his usual, 'well technically speech', but Nya lifted up her finger to shush him, glaring at Zane who slowly closed his mouth.

"Well, this thing doesn't seem to have a weakness to water like the preeminent had, since she was a ghost and all, so it's OBVIOUSLY not a ghost."

Cole casually waved his nearly formed hand around as he spoke, Kai rolled his eyes and looked towards Zane who had just a look of realization on his face, like he just discovered world peace or some cheesy thing like that.

"It absorbed our powers like it was nothing, and used to them to make itself bigger, like how the great devourer literally devoured stuff to make itself bigger. And it's evolving whenever it does grow, like how with the overlord and his metamorphosis or whatever he called it. Our powers are the original four elements to the golden power. It's like absorbing the energy from our powers and using it to grow/evolve and become stronger, hence the wings. I don't know why it's somehow immune to that, since darkness should be weak to our powers, even when we combined them it didn't even faze it, but that's why we need Misako to find something, anything."

The ninja blinked confused at first, before their brains processed what he had said and gasped loudly, looking towards Zane with grins. Nya clapped a hand on Zane's shoulder.

"Zane, have we ever told you how glad we are that you're a nindroid?"

The other ninja nodded in agreement, while Zane merely shrugged.

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